Additional CompensationOLD

Additional Pay Overview

Includes one-time payments, supplemental compensation, staff awards, taxable reimbursements, and bonuses. Specific payment types include:

  • Payment for work outside scope of the position
  • Taxable reimbursement / allowance
  • Non-cash item
  • Off Duty Pay
  • Commission
  • Staff award
  • Bonus - flat rate
  • Bonus - percent of salary
  • Other

The HR Service Center processes all requests for additional pay. In the HR Action Request tool (HRA), these requests should be submitted using the Pay Additional Compensation panel and be accompanied by the appropriate payment type. The HR Service Center will determine the earnings code and account number in order to be as consistent as possible across the college.

Supporting Documentation
The HRA will capture all of the information and approvals except for Off Duty Pay and Internal Supplemental Compensation, which will require the appropriate form be attached to the HRA as well. Once the approvals and all information is complete on the form, complete a Pay Additional Compensation HRA and attach the completed appropriate form. The form should be completed and signed by the employee and any approver before attaching to the HRA for processing. All levels of approval listed on the off duty pay and supplemental compensation forms are required for processing. Approvals are only needed once, so if an approval is captured through HRA, it is not needed on the form.

Effective and End Dates
When entering a request to pay additional compensation in HRA, be sure to enter the effective and end date of the service provided instead of allowing the current date to default in. In PeopleSoft, additional payments are entered using the pay periods that the additional work was performed, so it is necessary that this information is submitted with the HRA. In the additional pay panels, the first and last date of the pay period will be used for processing.

Additional Pay Due Dates
Requests for monthly employees should be approved by all necessary levels by the Monthly Department/Initiator Deadline.

Requests for biweekly employees should be approved by all necessary levels by noon on Monday of each deadline week.

Supplemental Compensation
The Internal Supplemental Compensation form must be completed and attached to the HRA. Approvals are only needed once, so if an approval is captured through HRA, it is not needed on the form.

Off Duty Pay Requests (ODP)
Because HRA has limited flexibility, the Off Duty Pay Request Form should be completed with each request for Off Duty Pay. Approvals are only needed once, so if an approval is captured through HRA, it is not needed on the form. A detailed business purpose is required for all ODP requests. ODP requests should be submitted in HR Action as Pay Additional Compensation - Payment for work ouside scope of the position. All ODP requests should be approved by the Chair or Director and PI (if funded by a sponsored project). These requests will route to the college office for review and approval before reaching the HR Service Center for entry. Processing will be delayed for HRA requests that flow to the HR Service Center without appropriate approvals, detailed descriptions, and/or support.

Helpful Links:
Supplemental Compensation Policy
Supplemental Compensation Form
Off Duty Pay Request Form