2020 International Alumni Award recipients

Mauricio Bittencourt

2020 International Alumni Award recipients

Though his work has been established in Brazil, Mauricio keeps Ohio State and the CFAES Department of Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics (AEDE) close to his heart.

During his 24-year career at the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR), Mauricio has held the titles of professor for the Department of Economics, director of the Graduate Studies Program in Economic Development, member of the Applied Social Science College Congregation, member of the Departmental Council for the Department of Economics, member of the Strategic Planning Committee for the Department of Economics, and vice-chair for the Department of Economics. Because of his dedication, the UFPR Graduate Studies Program in Economics is one of the top six economics programs in Brazil.

Mauricio’s strong connection to AEDE has led to speaking engagements hosted by the department, obtaining funding to send several UFPR students to AEDE, and bringing AEDE Professor Stanley Thompson to UFPR as a visiting professor.

Throughout his time in academia, Mauricio’s contribution to the greater economics field of study for both UFPR and AEDE has helped bridge the gap between two different cultures with a common passion for economics.

Luiz Lucchesi

2020 International Alumni Award recipients

Luiz has had a long-standing commitment to sustainable agriculture in Brazil, where his research has focused on the effective recycling of rural, urban, and industrial wastes as sources of organic matter and nutrients in agricultural production systems.

His commitment to sustainable agriculture has been recognized worldwide, and his work has been published in Brazil, Austria, Argentina, Australia, and the United States.

At the heart of his work is an endless ambition to connect Brazil and the United States. Specifically, Luiz took leadership in developing a formal memorandum of agreement between the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR) and Ohio State, and he has worked closely with the Ohio International Intern Program of CFAES’ International Programs in Agriculture to recruit young Brazilians to participate as interns with agribusinesses in the United States. In 2014, Luiz played a vital role in the establishment of the Greater Columbus Sister Cities International relationship between Columbus, Ohio, and Curitiba, Paraná, to help promote the continuation of cross-cultural exchange activities between the two cities.

Through his cross-cultural collaboration, Luiz says he has been able to “educate hundreds of professionals to the agribusiness industry, propose the equation of complex community problems, and improve national and international recognition of the UFPR Agronomy Program.”