Lending a hand

Tara Durbin

Ohio 4-H had a lasting impact on Tara Durbin, and many of the skills and lessons she learned have been influential in getting her where she is today—working as chief lending officer for agriculture with Farm Credit Mid-America. 

Growing up in Highland County, Ohio, Tara Durbin always knew she wanted to join 4-H. “As soon as I was old enough, I became a member of the Triple-L Le-Hi 4-H Club,” she said. “I showed market hogs at the county fair and at the Ohio State Fair, attended camp at Canter’s Cave 4-H Camp, and served on the junior fair board. 

I was also selected to be the Highland County Pork Queen and the Ohio District 8 Pork Queen.” 

“Ohio 4-H taught me the value of hard work and responsibility, as well as the importance of community service,” said Durbin. “I developed strong leadership and public speaking skills, became more confident, and learned what it means to be a team player and follow through on commitments.”