Throughout her childhood, Bonnie Ayars was surrounded by Ohio 4-H, whether it was on trips to the county Extension office, attending club meetings with her parents, or hearing stories about fellow Clark County, Ohio, native, A.B. Graham, the founder of 4-H.
When she was old enough to join, Ayars immersed herself in everything 4-H had to offer. “It became a platform of learning and experiences that pulled me out of my comfort zone,” she said. Ayars completed dairy and sewing projects, volunteered as a camp counselor, participated in junior leadership opportunities, attended camps and conferences across the country, and won state awards in dairy and leadership. “Every event opened my eyes to the world and taught me to set goals, rather than just dream about them,” she said.
After graduating from high school, Ayars enrolled at Ohio State and obtained a degree in home economics. “I never would have been able to go to college without 4-H,” said Ayars. “The encouragement and mentorship I received through the program helped make my success possible.”
After a stint teaching high school, Ayars was hired as the dairy program specialist with the CFAES Department of Animal Sciences. She has now been with Ohio State for more than 15 years and considers it to be a dream job, made possible through 4-H: “Ohio 4-H is the absolute and primary reason for my career and the choices I made. I learned from every experience and am still being mentored by my wonderful peers and colleagues who also consider 4-H to be the best experience ever.”