Jeff Grabmeier

University Communications
Focus Areas: 
  1. Tanya Berger-Wolf, Amy Ando

    How technology and economics can help save endangered species

    A lot has changed in the world since the Endangered Species Act (ESA) was enacted 50 years ago in December 1973. Two researchers at The Ohio State University were among a group of experts invited by the journal Science to discuss how the ESA has evolved and what its future might hold. Tanya Berger-Wolf, faculty director of Ohio State’s Translational Data Analytics Institute, led a group that wrote on “Sustainable, trustworthy, human-technology partnership.”  Amy Ando, professor and chair of the university’s Department of Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics, wrote on “Harnessing economics for effective implementation.” Berger-Wolf and her colleagues wrote, “We are in the middle of a mass...
  2. Cornish Named Fellow of National Academy of Inventors

    COLUMBUS, Ohio — Katrina Cornish, a researcher in the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences at The Ohio State University, has been named a Fellow of the National Academy of Inventors. Cornish, who holds the university’s Endowed Chair in Bio-based Emergent Materials and is an Ohio Research Scholar, is one of two inductees — along with Vice President for Research Caroline Whitacre — from Ohio State this year. NAI Fellows are nominated by their peers for outstanding contributions to innovation. “We at Ohio State are extremely proud of the accomplishments of Drs. Whitacre and Cornish. Their contributions to innovation are superb examples of the positive impact that the university has on society,” said Bruce McPheron, interim...