500 Standout Plants for Your Garden, 1 Day in Wooster to Get Them


WOOSTER, Ohio — Secrest Arboretum has posted lists of the plants you can buy at its May 2 Plant Discovery Day.

The selection includes nearly 500 hard-to-find types of trees, shrubs, herbs, annuals and perennials, including about 50 to bid on in oral and silent auctions. Here are some examples.


Coleus mix (pictured below) (photo: iStock), Lavender Lace cuphea, Upright Peach diascia, Diamond Frost euphorbia, Lemon Licorice helichrysum, Atlantis heliotrope, Butterfly Deep Pink impatiens, Lucia Dark Blue lobelia, Augusta Blue Skies nierembergia, Charmed Wine oxalis, Supertunia petunia mix, Sunbini sanvitalia and 50 others. See the full list at go.osu.edu/2015SecrestAnnuals.


Black Scallop ajuga, Royal Red buddleia (butterfly bush), Cruzin Broad Street coreopsis, Big Sky echinacea, Lipstick fragaria, Sweet Tea heucheralla, Little Plum lewisia, Riding Hood Hot Pink penstemon, Six Hills Giant nepeta (catmint), Goldsturm rudbeckia (pictured below) (photo: F1online), SunSparkler Lime Zinger sedum, Clifford Moor silene and 180 others, including 32 that grow well in shade. See the full list at go.osu.edu/2015SecrestPerennials.

Trees and Shrubs

Ohio buckeye, Bloodgood Japanese maple, eastern redbud (pictured below) (photo: iStock), Sixteen Candles summersweet, Appalachian Mist flowering dogwood, Little Lime hydrangea, Berry Poppins dwarf winterberry, Gold Star magnolia, Kobai Japanese flowering apricot, Birthday Candle hybrid English oak, Green Giant arborvitae, Aunt Dee Kentucky wisteria and 89 others. See the full list at go.osu.edu/2015SecrestTreesShrubs.


Sweet basil, cilantro, curry, edelweiss, lavender (pictured below) (photo: iStock), sage, stevia, thyme, watercress, weld, woad, sweet woodruff and 78 others. See the full list at go.osu.edu/2015SecrestHerbs.

Silent Auction

Fragrant abelia (pictured with butterfly below) (photo: iStock), Marble Chip Japanese horsechestnut, Spring Fleecing white fringetree, Ohio Pioneer thicket hawthorn, Silhouette dawn redwood, Pink Lemonade blueberry and 20 others. See the full list at go.osu.edu/2015SecrestSilentAuction.

Oral Auction

Nikko maple, cedar of Lebanon (pictured with cones below) (photo: iStock), Young Lady smoketree, Diane hybrid witchhazel, Silver King sweetgum, April Showers flowering crabapple and 17 others. See the full list at go.osu.edu/2015SecrestOralAuction.

Proceeds from the sale and auctions will benefit the 115-acre arboretum, which is part of the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, 1680 Madison Ave. in Wooster. The center serves as the research arm of the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences at The Ohio State University.

Also read: Secrest Arboretum’s Plant Sale Is May 2

The event’s hours are 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The sale runs throughout the event, the silent auction from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and the oral auction from 11 a.m. to noon, all at Fisher Auditorium on the OARDC campus. Admission is free.

For more information, go to secrest.osu.edu or call 330-263-3761.

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Note: The event was originally scheduled for May 9 but was changed to May 2 due to a scheduling conflict.

For more information, contact: 

Joe Cochran

Paul Snyder