Farm Science Review to Focus on New Technologies and Innovation


LONDON, Ohio – Information on new agricultural technologies and innovation awaits growers and producers who plan to attend this year’s Farm Science Review Sept. 16-18 at the Molly Caren Agricultural Center in London, Ohio.

Following the theme “Experience the Difference,” the 52nd annual event will not only showcase the latest technological advances in agriculture, but it will also give participants the opportunity to learn the latest educational research on how to improve their farm operations’ financial bottom line, said Chuck Gamble, manager of the show, which is sponsored by Ohio State University’s College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences.

From providing the most-up-to-date techniques and research to help growers improve water and soil quality to teaching farmers and producers about new markets for agriculture, the Review can help attendees learn how to increase yields, cut costs and boost farm profits, Gamble said.

“When you talk about technology and innovation, that’s what farmers are looking for and what we have to offer,” he said. “For example, the Review was the first farm show to demonstrate an unmanned aerial vehicle and will offer even more demonstrations on how farmers can use this technology to advance their farm operations.

“We’ll offer information on new markets such as growing hops to locally source Ohio’s booming microbrewering industry. Farmers can also learn new ways to use technology to market their business to consumers including using mobile apps.”

Sponsored by CFAES, the Review features educational workshops, presentations, demonstrations and other opportunities delivered by experts from Ohio State University Extension and the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, which are the outreach and research arms, respectively, of the college.

The Review is also celebrating the 10-year anniversary of its partnership with Purdue University. Researchers and educators from Purdue will also present educational workshops and demonstrations to Review participants.

Farm Science Review is nationally known as Ohio’s premier agricultural event that annually draws more than 130,000 farmers, growers, producers and agricultural enthusiasts, Gamble said. And with growers experiencing strong economic indicators, he said he anticipates Review attendance to be strong this year.

“We are in in the midst of a very positive economic climate for agriculture,” Gamble said. “We are still producing crops at a profit, producers are seeing record prices on livestock and dairy farmers are getting the highest prices for milk ever.

“Companies understand the value of participating in the Review. In fact, there is a waiting list of about 38 more companies who want to participate, and it is growing daily.”

Attendees will also notice a few changes to the event, with the relocation of the antique tractor associations to the plot areas, Gamble said. The move is part of a long-term plan to create more commercial space within the existing 80-acre exhibit area, he said.

An estimated 620 exhibitors with some 4,000 product lines will set up shop at the three-day farm show, an increase from 608 exhibitors last year, Gamble said. The relocation of the antique tractor associations allows the groups to grow without incurring additional costs for exhibit space and puts emphasis on their involvement at the Review.

The exhibitors also benefit from the relocation by having their lot spaces and names printed on the exhibit area map in the show program, which increases visibility to attendees entering through the main gates, he said.

Some other Review highlights include:

  • Daily field demonstrations by members of the OSU Extension Agronomic Crops Team on corn, soybean and wheat crops in plots established outside the eastern edge of the Review exhibit area. The plots are just outside Gate C.
  • Demonstrations of an unmanned aerial system for real-time crop maintenance and precision agriculture. The drones can be used to provide useful local site-specific data including crop scouting and geo-referencing to allow growers to monitor pesticides dispersion and fertilizer usage, and to monitor crop health parameters including soil moisture.

Farm Science Review tickets will be available for purchase beginning the week of July 7, Gamble said.

Pre-show tickets will be $7 at all OSU Extension county offices, many local agribusinesses, and also online at Tickets are $10 at the gate. Children 5 and younger are admitted free.

Hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sept. 16-17 and 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sept. 18.

For more information, contact: 

Chuck Gamble 