BUCYRUS, Ohio — A workshop on Feb. 6 in Bucyrus will show you how money can grow on your trees. And also under and around them.
Called “Woodland Opportunities,” it’s from 6 to 8:30 p.m. in Ohio State University Extension’s Crawford County office, 112 E. Mansfield St.
“‘What should I do with my woods?’ It’s a question we get a lot,” said Kathy Smith, coordinator of OSU Extension’s Ohio Woodland Stewards Program, which is sponsoring the event and providing the instructors.
“We’ll cover some of the income opportunities that landowners should explore when assessing the future of their woodland acreage,” she said.
Among those opportunities are timber production, leasing, and products like maple syrup, pawpaws and mushrooms.
Registration deadline is Feb. 2
The cost to attend is $15 per person. You can register online at go.osu.edu/WoodlandOppsReg, or you can download the registration form at go.osu.edu/WoodlandOppsForm. The deadline to register is Feb. 2.
For details, visit go.osu.edu/Feb2017WoodlandOpps, email ohiowoods@osu.edu or call 614-688-3421.
OSU Extension is the outreach arm of The Ohio State University’s College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences.
Kathy Smith