Feb. 9 webinar offers update on Ohio farmland leasing

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COLUMBUS, Ohio–Farmers, producers, and landowners who need to update their farmland leases can learn the latest about the 2022 rental market outlook and the current economic outlook for Ohio row crops during a Feb. 9 webinar offered by farm management specialists from The Ohio State University College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences (CFAES).

“Winter is a good time to review farm leases, and making sure that you have the most current information is critical to that process,” said Barry Ward, director of the Ohio State University Extension Income Tax School and leader of the Production Business Management program. “During the webinar, we’ll provide the latest economic and legal information relevant to farmland leasing in Ohio.”

The two-hour webinar will be presented from 7 to 9 p.m. by members of the OSU Extension Farm Office, a team of experts that represents OSU Extension programs in Agricultural and Resource Law, Dairy Production Economics, Farm Business Analysis and Benchmarking, Farm Risk Management, the Ohio Ag Manager, Production Business Management and Tax. The OSU Extension Farm Office, which can be found at farmoffice.osu.edu, offers a one-stop location for navigating the legal and economic challenges of agricultural production.

OSU Extension is the outreach arm of CFAES.

In addition to Ward, speakers for the webinar will include Peggy Kirk Hall and Robert Moore, CFAES agricultural and resource law specialists with OSU Extension’s Agricultural and Resource Law program.

“We always encourage parties to put their leases in writing,” Hall said. “But we’ll also share other legal information that can help parties deal with conservation practices, a potential new law about notice of termination, and how to use leases in farmland succession planning.”

Webinar topics will include:

    • Current economic outlook for Ohio row crops
    • Research on cash rent markets for the Eastern Corn Belt
    • Rental market outlook—fundamentals
    • Ohio’s statutory termination legislation
    • Addressing soil quality and conservation practices in leases
    • Using long-term leases in farm succession planning
    • Farmland leasing resources

The webinar is free, but registration is required. Register at go.osu.edu/farmlandleasingupdate.

For more information, contact: 

Peggy Hall