COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Forget Godzilla. Never mind zombies. Monsters have come to Ohio. And while most of them are tiny, their impacts can be huge.
Invasive species are a growing threat in the state, said Kathy Smith, who battles them as forestry program director for Ohio State University’s College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences.
Often spreading explosively, invasive species — plants, fish, insects and others that come from other places — can hurt crops, destroy trees and ruin native ecosystems, she said. The damage they do can hit the billions.
Below are just 10 Ohio invasive species currently on the loose.
Smith, as part of her efforts, helps teach workshops on fighting the creatures. “We’re trying to open people’s eyes to what’s going on in the environment around them so hopefully they’ll take action,” she said.
One way to do it: Download the Great Lakes Early Detection Network app ( Created by Smith and her colleagues, it lets users report their invasive species sightings. Early detection can up the chance of beating back an invader, she said.
Unless it breathes fire. Or is already dead. And then you should probably get Daryl.
Kathy Smith