Ohio State Experts: School to Teach Hay Fertility, Cutting Techniques


JEFFERSON, Ohio – Drought conditions in some Western states and higher overall demand for hay exports will likely result in stronger markets for hay this year, industry experts say.

So producers may want to attend a daylong course to ensure they are aware of the most up-to-date techniques for quality hay production this season, according to a forage expert with Ohio State University’s College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences.

Producers can take advantage of a hay production school April 16 designed to help them learn techniques including best fertility practices and general hay management guidelines, said David Marrison, an Ohio State University Extension educator.  OSU Extension is the outreach arm of the college.

Other topics will also be discussed, including:

  • Hay cutting management.
  • Hay sampling and testing procedures.
  • Weed identification.
  • Forage selection.
  • Hay renovation.
  • Forage species identification.

In addition to classroom experience, participants will also take part in a hay field diagnostic walk at Honkonen Farm south of Jefferson, he said.

The program is from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. at 39 Wall St. in Jefferson, Ohio. Registration for the workshop is $20 and includes the program, handouts and lunch. Checks should be made payable to OSU Extension and mailed to OSU Extension, 39 Wall St., Jefferson, Ohio 44047.

The deadline to register is April 7. For more information about the event, including registration, contact Marrison at marrison.2@osu.edu or 440-576-9008, ext. 106.

For more information, contact: 

David Marrison
440-576-9008, ext. 106