Ohio State Food, Ag, Env Calendar Listings as of April 5

Image of blue pansies

COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Here are upcoming events involving Ohio State University’s College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences as of April 5:


NEW: April 5-6: Cool-Season Annual Sale, April 5 from 4-6 p.m., April 6 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m., Chadwick Arboretum, 2001 Fyffe Court, Ohio State University, Columbus. Cash or check only. Free admission. Information: 614-688-3479.

NEW: April 5: Registration deadline for Your Woods, Water and Wildlife workshop April 13 in Bucyrus. $35. Register online at http://woodlandstewards.osu.edu. Information: ohiowoods@osu.edu or 614-688-3421.

April 5: Registration deadline for Landscaping for Wildlife workshop April 10 in Sharon Center. Workshop by Ohio State University Extension’s Ohio Woodland Stewards Program. Registration $15. Register online at http://woodlandstewards.osu.edu/. Information: ohiowoods@osu.edu or 614-688-3421.

NEW: April 8: Bioenergy Crops Workshop, 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., Endeavor Center at Ohio State University’s South Centers at Piketon, Room 160, 1862 Shyville Road, Piketon. Opportunities for growing bioenergy crops in Ohio, energy policies that affect this activity and potential markets for biomass. Registration $10; includes breakfast and lunch. Limited to 125 registrants. Information and registration: mcglothin.4@osu.edu; 740-289-2071, ext. 132; 800-297-2072 ext. 132.

NEW: April 9: Farmland Drainage Webinar, 7-8:30 p.m. Details on why growers should drain their fields and how to calculate the financial implications of drainage systems. Free. No pre-registration required. View online at http://carmenconnect.osu.edu/ohioagmanager. Information: clevenger.10@osu.edu or 419-782-4771.

April 9: Produce Safety Training, 6-9 p.m., Ohio State University Extension’s Cuyahoga County office training room, 5320 Stanard Ave., Cleveland. Workshop on preventing microbial contamination on fruit and vegetable farms, including the use of Good Agricultural Practices. $10. Pre-registration required; space limited; no registration at the door. Send name, contact information and registration payment (make checks payable to “OSU Extension”) to OSU Extension, Cuyahoga County, Attn: Jacqueline Kowalski, 9127 Miles Ave., Cleveland, OH 44105. Information: 216-429-8200, ext. 217.

NEW: April 10: Local Food Hubs Workshop, 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Ohio State University South Centers, 1864 Shyville Road, Piketon. Sessions on food hubs, how to develop them, and the good they can do for local growers, jobs, businesses and economies. Information: http://go.osu.edu/UCw (pdf), roush.143@osu.edu  or 740-289-2071, ext. 232.

NEW: April 10: Bird Walk with Greg Miller, 10-11:30 a.m., Secrest Arboretum, Seaman Orientation Plaza, Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, 1680 Madison Ave., Wooster. Led by Greg Miller of “The Big Year” book and film. Free. Information: cochran.7@osu.edu or 330-464-2148.

NEW: April 10: “My Big Year,” 1:30-2:30 p.m., 121 Fisher Auditorium, OARDC, 1680 Madison Ave., Wooster, with video link to 244 Kottman Hall, 2021 Coffey Road, Ohio State University, Columbus. Greg Miller of “The Big Year” book and film (played by Jack Black) speaks on his 133,000-mile journey around North America attempting to break the record for number of bird species seen in a year. Free. 

April 10: Landscaping for Wildlife, 6-9 p.m., Wolf Creek Environmental Center, 6100 Ridge Road, Sharon Center. Workshop by Ohio State University Extension’s Ohio Woodland Stewards Program. Registration $15; includes information packet. Registration deadline April 5. Register online at http://woodlandstewards.osu.edu/. Information: ohiowoods@osu.edu or 614-688-3421.

NEW: April 12: “Energy from Water: Microbial Fuel Cell Technologies Meet Salinity Gradient Energy,” 3 p.m., 021 Lazenby Hall, Ohio State University, Columbus, with video link to 121 Fisher Auditorium, Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, 1680 Madison Ave., Wooster. Speaker is Bruce Logan, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Engineering Energy and Environmental Institute, Pennsylvania State University. Sponsored by Ohio State’s Environmental Science Graduate Program. Free.

NEW: April 12: Oil and Gas Lease/Royalties Webinars, 9:30-11:30 a.m. Webinars designed to help landowners understand the financial implications and tax laws associated with oil and gas leases. Online at https://carmenconnect.osu.edu/ohioagmanager/. No pre-registration required. Information: marrison.2@osu.edu or 440-576-9008.

NEW: April 12: Registration deadline for The Wildlife in Your Woods workshop April 19 in Mansfield. Register online at http://woodlandstewards.osu.edu. Registration $35; includes lunch and handouts. Information: ohiowoods@osu.edu or 614-688-3421.

NEW: April 13: Your Woods, Water and Wildlife, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Crawford County Courthouse, Lower Level Conference Room, 112 East Mansfield St., Bucyrus. $35. Register online at http://woodlandstewards.osu.edu. Registration deadline April 5. Information: ohiowoods@osu.edu or 614-688-3421.

April 13: Guided Bird Walk, 9-11 a.m., Secrest Arboretum, Seaman Orientation Plaza, Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, 1680 Madison Ave., Wooster. Led by members of Greater Mohican Audubon Society. Free. Information: cochran.7@osu.edu or 330-464-2148.

NEW: April 16: “Maintaining Monarchs: Mandates, Management or Money?” 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., 105 Agricultural Administration Building, 2120 Fyffe Road, Ohio State University, Columbus. Speaker is Kathy Baylis, assistant professor, Department of Agricultural and Consumer Economics, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Free. Information: aede@osu.edu or 614-292-7911.

NEW: April 16: “Green Fire,” 7 p.m., U.S. Bank Theater, Ohio Union, Ohio State University, Columbus. Free screening of Emmy Award-winning film about conservationist Aldo Leopold; part of Ohio State’s Earth Week celebrations. Panel discussion including the film’s on-screen host, Curt Meine, follows.

NEW: April 17: “Cultivating Community: Bringing Ecology, Economics and Ethics Together on the Land,” 7:15-9:15 a.m., Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center, 2201 Fred Taylor Drive, Ohio State University, Columbus. Speaker is Curt Meine, senior fellow with the Aldo Leopold Foundation. Part of Environmental Professionals Network’s 2nd Tuesdays Breakfast Club series, held this month only on a Wednesday. Registration $10 by check by April 10; $15 by credit card by April 12. Breakfast included. Registration details at http://go.osu.edu/UC5. Information: hanselmann.3@osu.edu or 614-247-1908.

NEW: April 18:From Analog to Digital: A Lifetime in Ecology and Environmental Science,” 4-5 p.m., 103 Kottman Hall, 2021 Coffey Road, Ohio State University, Columbus, with video link to 123 Williams Hall, Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, 1680 Madison Ave., Wooster. Speaker is Mohan Wali, professor emeritus, School of Environment and Natural Resources. Free. Information: 614-292-2265.

NEW: April 19: Produce Safety Training, 1-4 p.m., Toledo Botanical Garden Conference Center, 5403 Elmer Drive, Toledo. Workshop on preventing microbial contamination on fruit and vegetable farms, including the use of Good Agricultural Practices. $10 in advance or at the door. To pre-register, send name, contact information and registration payment (make checks payable to “OSU Extension”) to Lee Richter, OSU Extension, Lucas County, 5403 Elmer Drive, Toledo, OH 43615. Information: 419-578-6783.

NEW: April 19: The Wildlife in Your Woods, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., 229 Riedl Hall, 1760 University Drive, Ohio State University’s Mansfield campus. Registration $35; includes lunch and handouts. Register online at http://woodlandstewards.osu.edu. Registration deadline April 12. Information: ohiowoods@osu.edu or 614-688-3421.

NEW: April 19: Registration deadline for Wildlife Conflicts Workshop April 26 in Piqua. Registration $35; includes lunch and handouts. Register online at http://woodlandstewards.osu.edu. Information: ohiowoods@osu.edu or 614-688-3421.

NEW: April 19: Registration deadline for “Maps and Apps” workshop April 24 in Columbus. Registration $75 per person and $25 for each additional person from same business. Information, registration: moose.14@osu.edu or 740-289-2071, ext. 223.

NEW: April 20: Earth Day Celebration, 10 a.m. to noon, Wilma H. Schiermeier Olentangy River Wetland Research Park, 352 W. Dodridge St., Ohio State University, Columbus. Litter cleanup in wetland and along adjacent Olentangy River, invasive species removal, tree planting. Displays on rain gardens and rain barrels. Free; includes free coffee, snacks and lunch.

NEW: April 20: Arbor Day Celebration in Secrest Arboretum, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, 1680 Madison Ave., Wooster. Free. Information: cochran.7@osu.edu or 330-464-2148.

NEW: April 24: “Maps and Apps” workshop, 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center, 2201 Fred Taylor Drive, Ohio State, Columbus. Strategies on how to leverage mobile media marketing for Ohio food producers. Registration: $75 per person, $25 for each additional person from same business. Registration deadline April 19. Information, registration: moose.14@osu.edu or 740-289-2071, ext. 223.

April 24: Guided Spring Walk, 2-3:30 p.m., Secrest Arboretum, Seaman Orientation Plaza, Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, 1680 Madison Ave., Wooster. Free. Information: cochran.7@osu.edu or 330-464-2148.

NEW: April 26: Wildlife Conflicts Workshop, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Upper Valley Career Center, Room 600, 8901 Looney Road, Piqua. Registration $35; includes lunch and handouts. Register online at http://woodlandstewards.osu.edu. Registration deadline April 19. Information: ohiowoods@osu.edu or 614-688-3421.

NEW: April 26: Registration deadline for Beef Cattle Artificial Insemination School April 30 to May 2. Registration $80; includes all materials and lunch daily. Limited to 20 participants. Information, registration: little.16@osu.edu or 740-489-5300.

NEW: April 30-May 2: Beef Cattle Artificial Insemination School, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. each day at the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center’s Eastern Agricultural Research Station, 16870 Township Road 126, Belle Valley. Covers a broad range of artificial insemination topics. Registration $80; includes all materials and lunch daily. Registration deadline April 26. Limited to 20 participants. Information, registration: little.16@osu.edu or 740-489-5300.

NEW: April 30: Food and Drug Administration Produce Safety Listening Session, 1-4 p.m., Shisler Conference Center, Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, 1680 Madison Ave., Wooster. Opportunity to express comments, concerns about proposed new FDA produce safety rules, with officials from FDA and Ohio Department of Agriculture in attendance. Free but advance registration requested at http://bit.ly/FDAmtg.

April 30: Master Gardener Pollinator Training, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Jack and Deb Miller Pavilion, Secrest Arboretum, Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, 1680 Madison Ave., Wooster. Information: ellsworth.2@osu.edu or 330-263-3723.


NEW: May 3: Early registration deadline for Ohio’s Non-Native Invasives workshop May 17 in Mansfield. $45. Later registration (by May 10) $55. Register online at http://woodlandstewards.osu.edu. Information: ohiowoods@osu.edu or 614-688-3421.

NEW: May 7: Climate Tools Cafe 2 Webinar, 1-3 p.m. Overview of tools available to help communities prepare for climate change. Free. Sponsored by Ohio State University’s Climate Change Outreach Team. Register at http://changingclimate.osu.edu/topics/education/. Information: jentes.1@osu.edu or 614-292-8975.

NEW: May 9: Friends of Chadwick Arboretum Pre-Sale, 5:30-8:30 p.m., auction at 6 p.m, northwest corner of Lane Avenue and Fred Taylor Drive, Ohio State University, Columbus. Information: 614-688-3479.

NEW: May 10-11: Spring Plant Sale, Auction and Gardening Fair, 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. May 10, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. May 11, auction at noon both days. Northwest corner of Lane Avenue and Fred Taylor Drive, Ohio State University, Columbus. Information: 614-688-3479.

NEW: May 10: Registration deadline for Ohio’s Non-Native Invasives workshop May 17 in Mansfield. Early registration $45 by May 3; later registration $55 by May 10. Register online at http://woodlandstewards.osu.edu. Information: ohiowoods@osu.edu or 614-688-3421.

NEW: May 11: 20th Annual Plant Discovery Day, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Secrest Arboretum, Seaman Orientation Plaza, Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, 1680 Madison Ave., Wooster. Plant and art sale featuring hard-to-find annuals, perennials, herbs, woody plants and art for home and garden. Free admission. Information: cochran.7@osu.edu or 330-464-2148.

NEW: May 16: Strawberry Plasticulture Field Night, 6-9 p.m., Ohio State University South Centers, 1864 Shyville Road, Piketon. Information and registration cost: mcglothin.4@osu.edu or 740-289-2071, ext. 132.

NEW: May 16: Sheep School, 6:30-9 p.m., Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center’s Eastern Agricultural Research Station, 16870 Bond Ridge Road, Caldwell. Information and registration cost: little.16@osu.edu or 740-489-5300.

NEW: May 17: Ohio’s Non-Native Invasives, 8:15 a.m. to 4 p.m., Founder’s Auditorium, Ovalwood Hall, 1760 University Drive, Ohio State University’s Mansfield campus. Workshop for natural-resource professionals on non-native invasive species in Ohio ecosystems. Early registration $45 by May 3; later registration $55 by May 10. Register online at http://woodlandstewards.osu.edu. Information: ohiowoods@osu.edu or 614-688-3421.

NEW: May 23: Secrest After Hours, 5-7 p.m., Secrest Arboretum, Seaman Orientation Plaza, Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, 1680 Madison Ave., Wooster. Discussion of trees and shrubs followed by social time and hors d'oeuvres in nearby Jack and Deb Miller Pavilion. Free. Information: cochran.7@osu.edu or 330-464-2148.

Included in Ohio State’s College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences are the college’s academic programs, Ohio State University Extension, the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, Stone Lab, Ohio Sea Grant Extension, and Ohio State University’s Agricultural Technical Institute.

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