So You’ve Got a Woods. Now What? Get Answers May 24


HAMILTON, Ohio — What can you do with your woods?

On May 24, the Ohio Woodland Stewards Program, part of Ohio State University Extension, is giving a workshop with that exact question as its title.

“The woodland you own may be something you purchased or something you ‘got with the farm,’ ” said Kathy Smith, coordinator of the program and one of the workshop’s instructors. “But now that it’s yours, what should you do with it? It’s a question we get a lot.”

OSU Extension is the outreach arm of the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences at The Ohio State University.

The workshop is from 6 to 9 p.m. in OSU Extension’s Butler County office, 1802 Princeton Road, in Hamilton in southwest Ohio.

‘Woodland Management 101’

The event’s agenda will have two parts: “Where to Start: Woodland Management 101” and “Introduction to Wildlife Management.”

“It’s really an introductory class for woodland owners,” Smith said. “We’ll walk through setting management goals, what needs to be inventoried and then how you match what you have with what you want to accomplish on the property.”

She said management tools such as different cutting practices, invasive species control and tree planting will be covered, too.

Managing woodland wildlife

Marne Titchenell, a wildlife specialist with OSU Extension and the workshop’s other instructor, will detail the kinds of wildlife a woodland can support, their habitat needs and how to manage the land for them. Among those kinds of wildlife: birds, mammals, pollinators and amphibians.

Registration for the workshop is $15 and is needed by May 18. A mailable registration form can be downloaded at Participants also can register online at

For more information, call 614-688-3421.

For more information, contact: 

Kathy Smith

Marne Titchenell