Tree School Set for Ohio State Mansfield


MANSFIELD, Ohio — The Ohio Woodland Stewards Program will hold its 2014 Tree School from 9 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. May 3 in Ovalwood Hall on Ohio State University’s Mansfield campus, 1760 University Drive.

The event is for anyone interested in learning more about trees, said Marne Titchenell, one of the instructors and a wildlife specialist with Ohio State University’s College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences (CFAES).

Gardeners, landscapers, woodland owners, wildlife enthusiasts and Christmas tree growers, among others, are welcome to attend, she said.

The instructors will be from CFAES’s outreach arm, Ohio State University Extension, and from the Ohio Forestry Association and the Ohio Department of Natural Resources’ Division of Wildlife.

Twelve sessions in three focused tracks will cover trees, how to take care of them, and creatures and features that rely on -- or can mess up -- a woods:

  • Track 1: “Tree Planting Techniques,” “Top 10 Landscape Trees,” “Sensible or Senseless Pruning Practices,” “Why Good Trees Go Bad.”
  • Track 2: “Bird ID Walk,” “Dealing With the Modern Day Bambi” (deer conflict management), “Planting for Pollinators,” “Wetlands in Your Woodlands.”
  • Track 3: “Introduction to Chainsaw Safety,” “Weird Things in Your Woods,” “Mapping Your Property,” “Dealing With Invasives for a Healthy Woods.”

Early registration costs $45 by April 18. Regular registration is $55 until April 25. Participants can register online at

For more information, call 614-688-3421, go to or email

The workshop brochure, which includes a mailable registration form, can be downloaded at

The Ohio Woodland Stewards Program is part of the college’s School of Environment and Natural Resources and is carried out by OSU Extension.

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For more information, contact: 

Marne Titchenell