Urban youth to benefit from Franklin County, OSU Extension partnership

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COLUMBUS—Building on the partnership between Franklin County Commissioners and Ohio State’s College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences (CFAES) specifically through OSU Extension, Franklin County, a new program will be unveiled at 10:30 a.m., Monday, Aug. 1 at the Ohio Exposition Center and State Fair.

This program will increase awareness and opportunity for urban youth in the food, agricultural, and environmental sectors. 

Franklin County Commissioner Erica Crawley will join Cathann A. Kress, vice president for agricultural administration and dean of CFAES, at the East end of Brown Arena. Crawley will discuss her focus on urban youth and her motivation for creating what will be known as the Urban ROOTS (Reshaping Outreach Opportunities Through Self-Discovery) Partnership. Kress will highlight the growing demand for technology jobs in the agriculture/food/environmental and natural resources sector and her vision for increased opportunities for urban youth.

Julie Fox, director of OSU Extension strategic initiatives and urban engagement and current leader for OSU Extension, Franklin County, will provide some program details before Crawley and Kress take questions from the audience.

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For more information, contact: 

Julie Fox