2021 Urban Landscape Pest Management Workshop WEBINAR
Urban Landscape Pest Management Workshop
Commercial Pesticide Recertification
Sponsored by: Ohio State University Extension and Ohio Department of Agriculture
September 9, 2021
Online Webinar
Registration Opens July 14
Conference Information
Registration Information
Categories Offered
Refund Information
Special Needs Requests
Commercial Pesticide Requirements
Conference Information
This online webinar is intended for individuals who hold a current commercial pesticide license. If you do not have a current pesticide license, please visit our New Applicator page.You need to attend the entire day to meet the five hours required for an Ohio commercial license.
PreRegistration Only! Register by September 2, 2021
Webinar Room Link: Provide a valid attendee email address. The link to the webinar room will be sent on Tuesday, September 7.
During the online commercial recertification webinars, we will be taking attendance throughout the day. This requires each attendee to participate on their own device. We recommend a desktop, laptop, or large tablet.
Interstate Reciprocity: We are not offering interstate reciprocity credits for this event.
ISA Credits will be available.
Registration Information
Pre-Registration ONLY: $75
Deadline: September 2, 2021
Registration Opens:
Register online with credit card
Register with a check or PO
Download registration form
If you have any questions, please call 614-292-4070
Categories Offered:
Core | 6a | General Ornamental Pest Control | |
3a | General Aquatic Pest Control | 6c | Ornamental Weed Control |
4a | General Forest Pest Control | 8 | Turf Pest Control |
5 | Industrial Vegetation |
Cancellation and Refund Policies:
There is a $25 processing charge pre registrant for any refunds. No refunds will be given after September 23, 2021. There is a $30 fee for returned checks.
Special Needs:
For special needs or accommodations for a disability, please call (614) 292-4070 at least two weeks prior to the event.
Commercial Pesticide License Requirements:
To keep a commercial pesticide applicator license current, applicators must take 5 hours of recertification credit every 3 years. The specific requirements are:
1 hour of Core required
+ 1/2 hour in each category on applicator license required
+ additional time in any category (after completing 1 hour of core and each category requirement)
= 5 hours of time for recertification
Registration Questions
Walcom - Registration Services: (740) 524-4123
Conference Questions
Pesticide Safety Education Program, Ohio State University Extension
Email: pested@osu.edu or
Call: (614) 292-4070.