Employee Engagement & Retention - Part 1
In this interactive two-part webinar series, leadership expert and author of Lead Like it Matters...Because it Does, Roxi Bahar Hewertson addresses the impact of employee engagement on your efforts to retain top talent. She will identify the four key drivers of employee engagement in the workplace and discuss the role emotional intelligence plays in engagement and a healthy culture. Participants will have an opportunity to reflect on the state of their workplace and next steps for making a substantive change on their campus.
Part 1: Four Keys to Employee Engagement – What Matters and What Doesn’t
Thursday, April 26th, 2018 at 10 PT/11 MT/12 CT/1 ET
In the first part of this series, participants will learn the four key drivers of employee engagement and uncover what matters and what doesn’t. Participants will score their workplace in the four key drivers and gain a common understanding that can stimulate new conversations about the realities and importance of being truly engaged at work.