Gender Initiative Symposium

Mar 30, 2017, 8:00am - 2:30pm
Monday, March 20, 2017

Keys for Success: Maximizing Your Personal Brand
Presented by: Kathryn Lowell, CEO Image Matters

Nationwide & Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center
2201 Fred Taylor Drive, Columbus, Ohio 43210

Shisler Conference Center Conference Hall
1625 Wilson Avenue, Wooster, Ohio 44691

2017 Gender Initiative Symposium Agenda

08:00 a.m.  Registration and continental breakfast
08:30 a.m.  Welcome - Drs. Sandy Velleman and Kathy Lechman
08:40 a.m.  Overview by Acting Senior Associate Dean Terry Niblack
09:00 a.m.  "What is Your Personal Brand?" - Kathryn Lowell
10:00 a.m.  Break
10:15 a.m.  "Maximizing Your Personal Brand" - Kathryn Lowell
12:00 p.m.  Lunch and roundtable discussion - discuss key words or qualities needed to develop and maximize your personal brand
01:15 p.m.  Summation of lunch discussions
                   "The Importance of Emotional IQ"
                   Cap note - Kathryn Lowell
02:15 p.m.  Closing comments and wrap-up
02:30 p.m.  Adjourn and safe trip home