Graduate Student Dissertation/Thesis Write-In

Jan 24, 2020, 9:00am - 12:00pm
Ag. Engineering 219
Leo Taylor

The CFAES Graduate Student Support Group will host a dissertation/thesis write-in starting at 9am in Ag. Engineering 219. A write-in is a quiet space for students to get together to write independently in community and a very effective tool for many people. The space will be available from 9am-12:00pm and students may come and go as they wish. You are welcome to bring an additional monitor as there will be plenty of space. Snacks and tea will be provided.

Come prepared to write! A write-in is only effective for writing if you spend the time actually writing. That means all notes from the literature should be taken and available and all statistical analyses completed. However, if you are not quite ready to write and want to take advantage of this opportunity to work on stats or literature you are most welcome to attend. 

Seats are limited and available on a first come basis, we can accommodate approximately 12 people. Please send an RSVP email to Leo Taylor (, Program Director for Equity and Inclusion and Grad Student Support Group Facilitator,.or Equtiy and Iclusion's Program Assistant, Alicia Baca ( and include the time you anticipate being present. If you have any other questions or need to cancel, please contact Dr. Leo Taylor (