Inclusive and Equitable Hiring Practices
This 90-minute program provides an overview of best practices for recruiting a diverse candidate pool and equitably evaluating them. Participants will examine the role that various forms of bias can play in screening applicants and identify ways that privilege creates an unlevel competitive job market. The College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences requires that all individuals serving on CFAES search committees complete this program every 2 years. Please note: this workshop will not be recorded.
By participating in this program attendees will have a better understanding of the following:
- Why diversity matters in applicant pools
- Barriers to inclusive and equitable hiring practices
- How bias, both conscious and unconscious, can interfere with our perception of others and influence who we hire
- Research that demonstrates how perceived identity influences access to job opportunities
- The role of privilege in access to jobs and how it influences career trajectories
- Why broad position descriptions are needed for generating a diverse, qualified applicant pool
- How first impressions can be misleading (and the science behind it)
- How to use a diversity statement to evaluate if a candidate’s approach aligns with your unit’s DEI strategic goals
- Why rubrics are effective tools to mitigate the influence of conscious and unconscious biases
This event will be presented with automated closed captions. If you wish to request traditional CART services or other accommodations, please contact Laura Akgerman at or 614-292-0622. Requests submitted two weeks in advance will generally allow us to provide seamless access, but CFAES will make every effort to meet every request. Please submit all other inquiries to the facilitator, Dr. Leo Taylor, at