Precision Livestock Farming (PLF): a Game Changer for the Worldwide Livestock Production
A Seminar by “the spiritual father of the concept of Precision Livestock Farming (PLF)”
Professor Daniel Berckmans’ main field of research consists of real time signal analysis of humans and animals, by using technology like wearables, cameras and microphones. He headed the Division M3-BIORES (Measure, Model and Manage Bioresponses), Department of Biosystems, Faculty of Bioscience Engineering at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven for 25 years.
Prof. Daniel Berckmans is worldwide considered as the spiritual father of the concept of Precision Livestock Farming. He initiated the first European Masters in Human Health Engineering (technology for healthy people). Daniel is co-author of over 300 scientific articles in peer-reviewed journals and over 400 papers in conference proceedings. He is member of several international advisory boards, visitation commissions in several European countries, and six international professional organisations worldwide. Daniel has been a member of more than 63 Ph. D commissions in nine different countries. Written research agreements have been signed with over 48 research teams worldwide. About 165 master students for bio-engineer have finished their master thesis in his team.
Since 1982, 17 products have been developed for the world market in co-operation with industrial partners. 20 patents have been submitted. He has coordinated several EU-projects with the last one counting 20 partners and a budget of 8 M euro. Daniel is co-founder of 3spin-off companies: BioRICS NV in 2006 on monitoring humans, Soundtalks NV in 2011 on monitoring livestock and BioRICS INC in San Francisco in 2016.