Spring Gardening Workshop

Apr 27, 2019, 9:00am - 3:00pm
Canfield Fairgrounds: Arts and Crafts Building
Mahoning County Extension

Register ASAP: Call 330-533-5538

Join us to get inspired for the 2019 gardening season! Learn from two keynote presentations, do a make-n-take alcohol ink tile for the garden, choose from six breakout sessions, win door prizes, and have tons of fun!

Garden Art Sale all day. Handmade items by Master Gardener Volunteers.


Registration & Garden Art Sale Begins (all buildings heated, refreshments all day)


Reimagine Your Landscape Dr. Laura Deeter, Professor, Ohio State University

Laura will share details of landscape design for the home garden, showcasing ideas that work for the modern landscape. Her extensive knowledge of woody and herbaceous plants as well as her passion for landscape design will inspire you to do great things in the garden!  In her own garden, Laura has over 300 species of perennials that she counts as dear friends.


Break - Garden Art Sale


Choose a Session – Breakout #1

Pollinators! Learn about spring plants and summer gardens! – Sheila Cubick

Two Seasons of Edible Crops in your backyard – Barb Delisio and David Sprague,

Make-N-Take: Alcohol Ink Tiles for the patio – Pam Baytos and Diana Holtzer


Hot Buffet Lunch – Catered by Broad Street Diner


Ornamental Vines For Your Garden  – Keith Kaiser, Pittsburgh Botanic Garden

Looking to add a vertical dimension to your garden?   Interested in learning about both annual and woody vines that grow well in our climate?  This session will give you a solid knowledge of vines that fit specific characteristics of your garden.  Attendees will take home simple ways to add ornamental vines into their home garden.


Choose a Session – Breakout #2

Tropicals to Enhance your Landscape  – Margaret Biroschak

Three Seasons of Blooms – from frost to frost:  – Kary Shively, Pinky Steffen

Make-N-Take: Alcohol Ink Tiles for the patio – Pam Baytos, Diana Holtzer


Garden Art Sale Finale, Evaluation & Safe Trip Home