Turfgrass Research & Technology Field Day
Receive the latest information from the OSU Turf Team for managing healthy turfgrass and test out new tools and technology to make your program more efficient.
Tuesday, August 7th
8:30 - Registration
10:00 - 12:00 - Research Plot Rotations
12:00 - 1:00 - Lunch & CORE Presentation
1:00 - 3:00 - Technology Field Day
OTF Research & Education Facility
Parking available from Kenny/Carmack
2490 Carmack Road
Columbus, OH 43210
Presentations will include:
Golf Concurrent Sessions
- Disease Updates for Golf - Todd Hicks and Joe Rimelspach
- Golf Course Management Update - Karl Danneberger
- Herbicide Updates for Golf - David Gardner
- Pigment Updates - Ed Nangle
- Insect Updates for Golf - David Shetlar
High Cut and Sportsturf Concurrent Sessions
- Insect Updates for High-Cut Turf - David Shetlar
- Sports Turf Review - Pam Sherratt and Brianna Schneider
- General Disease Review - Todd Hicks and Joe Rimelspach
- Athletic Field Covers - Matt Williams
- Herbicide Updates for Lawns/Sports - David Gardner
- Turfgrass Establishment - Zane Raudenbush
Plus a diagnostics quiz and other activities!
ODA Recertification credits include:
Category 8
Category CORE
(Pending ODA approval)
(GCSAA EPs pending approval)
Technology Field Day:
Check out some of the latest tools and technology from our industry partners! More info coming soon!
OTF Members = $20
Non-Members = $40
Includes event attendance, lunch and soft drinks.
Sponsored by Ohio State University and Ohio Turfgrass Foundation