Two approaches to reduce food waste: Lessons learned from US EPA sustainable materials management projects in Ohio
Reducing wasted food not only benefits the environment, but can provide opportunities to feed our community, save money and improve public health. In this webinar groups funded via US EPA’s Sustainable Materials Management projects share lessons learned from implementing two distinct approaches to reducing food waste and diverting it from landfills. The Center for EcoTechnology (CET) will discuss lessons learned, success stories and overall impact of their program, which partnered with Solid Waste Districts across Ohio to offer no-cost waste assistance to businesses and institutions interested in implementing strategies to reduce, rescue and recycle wasted food. The Solid Waste Authority of Central Ohio (SWACO) partnered with the City of Upper Arlington, Ohio and The Ohio State University to implement the Save More Than Food campaign. The results of campaign evaluation and recommendations for community-based implementation of consumer campaigns will be shared.