No fast fix for Ohio’s algae problems (featuring Jeff Reutter, director of Ohio State University’s Sea Grant College and Stone Laboratory) (subscription required)
- Columbus Dispatch
Feral hogs causing problems in more states (featuring Marne Titchenell, wildlife specialist in Ohio State University's College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences)
- National Hog Farmer
Study to determine how shale development affects Guernsey County communities (featuring OSU Extension project)
- Daily Jeffersonian
CFAES Professor Emeritus Looks Forward to New USDA Foundation (featuring Ohio State University Professor Emeritus Mo Saif)
- Wisconsin Ag Connection
Mayor lifts water ban in Toledo, Ohio; drinking water deemed safe for more than 400K residents (featuring Jeff Reutter, head of the Ohio Sea Grant research lab)
- Montreal Gazette
Algae's Return Deals Setback to Lake Erie's Revival (featuring Jeff Reutter, director of the Ohio Sea Grant College Program and Stone Laboratory at Ohio State University)
- The Wall Street Journal
Toledo bearing full brunt of Lake Erie algae bloom (featuring Jeff Reutter, director of Ohio Sea Grant) (subscription required)
- Columbus Dispatch
Toledo keeps water ban going after new tests show high toxin levels (Featuring Jeff Reutter, head of the Ohio Sea Grant research lab)
- Fox News via AP
Ohio State Extension program continues to offer relevant, helpful advice (featuring Bruce McPheron, Keith Smith, Ken Martin and Greg Davis)
- Columbus Dispatch
County sees ‘roller coaster emergence’ crops (featuring Sam Custer, ANR educator)
- Daily Advocate
Toledo's Drinking Water Ban Reaches Second Day as Officials Seek Cause (featuring Jeff Reutter, director Ohio Sea Grant and Stone Laboratory)
- The Wall Street Journal
Toxic algal bloom shuts off water, but green slime limited so far to Toledo (featuring Jeffrey Reutter, director of Ohio Sea Grant)
- Plain Dealer
July a cool treat, but not for pools (featuring Peter Thomison, Horticulture and Crop Science) (subscription required)
- Columbus Dispatch
Ohio moves to dump open-lake dump - help Army Corps get on board: editorial (featuring Jeff Reutter, director of Ohio State University's Ohio Sea Grant program)
- Plain Dealer
Ag research foundation hopes to lure private dollars into national pool (featuring Mo Saif, Food Animal Health Research Program)
- Farm and Dairy
Remember the polar vortex? Ohio’s grape and peach growers sure do (featuring David Marrison, OSU Extension; OARDC’s Ashtabula Agricultural Research Station)
- Farm and Dairy
Algae blooms still plague Great Lakes (featuring Ohio Sea Grant)
- WCPN/WCLV/Ideastream, Northeast Ohio public radio
Crop price drop could benefit consumers at grocery (featuring Sam Custer, OSU Extension, Darke County)
- Dayton Daily News
Researchers aim to slow emerald ash borer devastation in Michigan (featuring Dan Herms, Entomology)
- Detroit Free Press
OSU experts create guide that helps amateurs identify bee species (featuring Department of Entomology) (subscription required)
- Columbus Dispatch