Knox County teen one of many special-needs kids taking part in county fairs (featuring OSU Extension, Knox County) (subscription required)
- Columbus Dispatch
Kudzu that ate U.S. South heads north as climate changes (featuring Kathy Smith, School of Environment and Natural Resources)
- Bloomberg News
Camden Township farmer starts malting company (featuring Eric Stockinger, Horticulture and Crop Science)
- Lorain Morning Journal
This summer's harmful algal bloom has begun (featuring Stone Lab)
- Sandusky Register
Wooster campus to share gardens with visitors (featuring ATI)
- Akron Beacon Journal
Invasion of the feral pigs (featuring Marne Titchenell, School of Environment and Natural Resources)
- Akron Beacon Journal
How cool temps affect crops (featuring Buckeye Yard and Garden Line newsletter)
- Cleveland Plain Dealer
Compensatory loss emphasis of new farm bill (featuring Carl Zulauf, Agricultural, Environmental and Development Economics; Alan Sundermeier, OSU Extension, Wood County)
- Toledo Blade
Federal report details chemicals used at drilling site (featuring Julie Weatherington-Rice, Food, Agricultural and Biological Engineering)
- WCMH-TV, Columbus
Cancer-fighting candy (featuring Yael Vodovotz, Food Science and Technology)
- Inside Science
Study: Access to stores may hinder food stamp program (featuring Mark Partridge and Clare Cho, Agricultural, Environmental and Development Economics)
- Chillicothe Gazette
What do wild animals do in a wildfire? (feat. Mazeika Sullivan, School of Environment and Natural Resources)
- National Geographic Daily News
OSU Extension celebrates 100 years (featuring OSU Extension, Licking County; Master Gardeners)
- Newark Advocate
Extension, 4-H programs receive recognition in legislature resolution (featuring OSU Extension, 4-H)
- Columbus CEO
Waste to energy power plants could generate an eighth of U.S. power says Cleveland’s Quasar Energy (slideshow) (featuring quasar, OARDC, BioHio, Yebo Li of FABE)
- Cleveland Plain Dealer
Bracing for Lake Erie algae (featuring Ohio Sea Grant)
- Great Lakes Echo
Gypsy moths: State officials’ efforts look to suppress the invasive pests (featuring Amy Stone, OSU Extension, Lucas County)
- Toledo Blade
Learn about Lake Erie, its fish: Cleveland Local Food Calendar (featuring Stone Lab, OARDC hops field day)
- Cleveland Plain Dealer
Community rallies behind girl after she’s told she can’t show chickens at fair (featuring OSU Extension, Fayette County)
- WSYX-TV, Columbus
Mosquito pee and disease prevention (featuring Peter Piermarini, Entomology)
- Something About Science