Chow Line

  1. Dec. 24 is National Eggnog Day. Photo: Thinkstock

    Chow Line: Eggnog Safe to Drink if Pasteurized or Cooked

    I really love to drink eggnog this time of year. But as I learn more about raw eggs and their link to Salmonella, I’m worried. Is it safe to drink eggnog?
  2. Photo: Thinkstock

    Chow Line: Holiday Potluck Food Safety Tips

    My office is having a holiday potluck next week – do you have any tips to make sure I don’t do anything that will make my co-workers sick from eating my food?
  3. Photo: Thinkstock

    Chow Line: You’re Likely Not Eating Enough Fruits and Veggies

    I want to eat healthier, but I’m not sure what that really means in terms of fruit and vegetable intake. I usually eat at least an apple, banana or some carrots every day at lunch. Am I eating enough fruits and vegetables?  
  4. Photo: Thinkstock

    Chow Line: Don’t Stuff the Bird

    My mom and grandma have always cooked the stuffing in the turkey each Thanksgiving. But now, I hear that practice should be avoided – why is that?
  5. Photo: Thinkstock

    Chow Line: Talkin’ Turkey: Three Ways to Safely Thaw and Cook Frozen Turkey

    It’s my first time hosting Thanksgiving, but I’m not sure when I should start thawing the turkey or even how to thaw it – what do I do?
  6. Photo: Thinkstock

    Chow Line: Careful: Some of that Halloween Candy Haul Can Send Some Folks to the Hospital

    I heard that eating too much black licorice can cause heart problems. Is that true?  
  7. Photo: Thinkstock

    Chow Line: Safe Halloween Treats Without the Scary Tricks

    Trick or treat is next week and this is the first year my little guy is old enough to go out candy gathering. What can I do to make sure he is safe, but also has a good time trick-or-treating?
  8. Photo: Thinkstock

    Chow Line: Website Offers Nutritional Tips, Tactics for Food Savings

    I have a limited budget to spend on food, but I want to make sure my family is eating healthy. What are some tips to help me incorporate more fruits and vegetables into my grocery haul while staying within my budget?
  9. Known as the official state apple of Ohio, the Melrose apple tends to be large with good flavor and texture. Photo: Ohio State University.

    Chow Line: Apples – To Peel or Not to Peel?

    My little boy loves apples, but he refuses to eat them unless they are skinned and cut into little pieces. Is he still getting the same nutrition as eating them with the peel?  
  10. Photo: Thinkstock

    Chow Line: Consuming Placenta After Birth Not Recommended for New Moms

    I’ve heard that consuming your placenta after giving birth can help new mothers with postpartum depression and ease pain. Is that true?
