Administrative Cabinet and Department Chairs

Vice President for Agricultural Administration and Dean, College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences
Senior Director, CFAES Marketing & Communications
Chair, Department of Agriculture, Environmental, and Development Economics
Chair, Department of Food Science and Technology
Assistant Dean and Director, Agricultural Technical Institute
Chief of Staff and Special Assistant to the Vice President and Dean
Associate Dean for Academic Programs
Interim Associate Dean and Director of OSU Extension and Chair of the Department of Extension
Associate Dean for Operations
Chief Advancement Officer
Interim Director, School of Environment and Natural Resources
Chair, Department of Horticulture and Crop Science
Senior Associate Dean and Director of Faculty and Staff Affairs
Chair, Department of Animal Sciences
Associate Dean and Director, CFAES Wooster Campus
Chair, Department of Plant Pathology
Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Education
Chair, Department of Food, Agricultural and Biological Engineering
Senior Fiscal Officer
Chair, Department of Entomology
