
Search results

  1. Farmer Veteran Coalition Ohio Chapter- Annual Meeting and Regenerative Agriculture Seminar

    For the full itinerary, click here! To register, click here! Questions? Contact Chris Tkach.13 ...

  2. Ohio Certified Volunteer Naturalist Program


  3. EPN Evening Event- Tuesday, December 5, 2023: Hemlock-ed In! From Cleveland’s parks to the Hocking Hills, meet our leaders conserving one of Ohio’s most spectacular evergreen trees

    Join the EPN, the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) Division of Forestry, and a well-rounded team of Ohio leaders to celebrate one of our most beloved evergreens and how we can advance hemlock conservation and protect these trees and the unique ...

  4. Ohio Woodland Stewards Class- The Seen and Unseen Impacts of Invasive Species

    Invasive species dominate the conversation with woodland owners and landowners across the state.  While there may be visible signs of these pests, sometimes we can’t readily see some of their impacts on the landscape.  This class will try to point out wha ...

  5. Ohio State University Extension Brown County Master Gardener Volunteer Seminars: Worm Composting presented by Danielle Thompson


  6. Ohio State University Extension Brown County Master Gardener Volunteer Seminars: Starting Plants from Seeds presented by David Frankhauser


  7. Ohio State University Extension Brown County Master Gardener Volunteer Seminars: Companion Planting presented by Denise Bollinger


  8. Ohio State University Extension Brown County Master Gardener Volunteer Seminars: Container Gardening presented by Susan Federico


  9. Celebrating Ohio's Cities


  10. Honoring Ohio’s best

