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  1. A Super Time for Super Berries

    berries as viable cash crops.     We are lucky enough to have received a specialty crop block grant from ... search for “super berries,” a few plants will come up.  Some of the uncommon ones could be Aronia ... berries, Chinese goji berries and elderberries, while common ones could be blueberries, blackberries, and ...

  2. Super Berries Production Workshop Offered March 19

    a fruit crop expert with the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences at The Ohio State ... University. Fruits such as elderberry, aronia and goji berries are being called super berries because of their ... Extension specialist and associate professor of small fruit crops at Ohio State’s South Centers in Piketon. ...

  3. Super Berry School

    Growers can learn how to assess whether blackberry crops or grapevines have experienced winter ... State University. A Super Berry School will be offered March 18 designed to help berry growers — new and ... production, pest management, and pruning demonstrations of grapevines and several berry varieties, said Gary ...

  4. OSU Extension: ‘Superfruits’ Could Offer Ohio Growers Alternative Income Source; Workshop Set for Aug. 20

    crop and is also rich in vitamin C. To help berry growers — new and experienced alike — learn how to ... that finds these plants can grow well in the Buckeye state. That’s according to a fruit crop expert ... said that based on research trials of elderberry, aronia berry and Chinese goji berry plants at Ohio ...

  5. Super Berry Field Night to Provide Insight on Fruit Crops New to Ohio

    State University South Centers at Piketon. Super berries or super fruits are fruit crops that are known ... demand for more Ohio-grown super fruits, he said. “Black goji berries, which is a fairly new crop to Ohio ... Tracy Turner PIKETON, Ohio – Growers wanting to know more about production of a variety of berries ...

  6. Super Berry School is March 18 in Piketon

    or super fruits. Super berries or super fruits are the fruit crops that are known to have high ... Tracy Turner PIKETON, Ohio – Growers can learn how to assess whether blackberry crops or ... Environmental Sciences at The Ohio State University. A Super Berry School will be offered March 18 designed to ...

  7. 2014 Fruit Research and Extension Progress

    a specialty crop grant from Ohio Department of Agriculture to work on "super berries." Some of the ... for their viability in Ohio as a cash crop. I have tasted dried Chinese goji berries and really like ... production of high value crops, such as blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, and even wine grapes, will ...

  8. Blueberry, Brambles and Winegrape Production Workshop Offered July 15

    crop, and is also rich in vitamin C. The berries can also be grown successfully in Ohio, Gao said. ... adding them to their farm operations. Fruits such as elderberry, aronia and goji berries are being called ... super berries because of their nutrition content and their promise to combat a variety of ailments, said ...

  9. Scott McIntyre

    Fioritto RJ,  McIntyre SA, Dorrance AE, Berry SA (2006)  Registration of 'Ohio FG5' Soybean. Crop ... cooperators. Publications: McHale LK, Feller MK,  McIntyre SA, Berry SA, St. Martin SK, Dorrance AE (2012)  ... Dorrance AE, Berry SA, Sneller CH (2008)  Registration of ‘Dennison’ Soybean. Journal of Plant ...

  10. Ohio State Agriculture, Medical Researchers Test Berries as Cancer-fighters

    promoting berries as an alternative high-value crop for southern Ohio farmers and educating consumers on the ... supply to meet berry demand in Ohio, especially for crops such as raspberries that have shown great ... for you, here's some fruit for thought: berries could save your life. An interdisciplinary team ...
