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A Fruitful Year
berry crops. The biggest area of growth has been blackberries, blueberries, and raspberries. While ... Ohio may not boast the largest acreage in berry crop plantings, these small fruits are worth a lot of ... State University. Dormant pruning of berry crops is typically the main focus of the Blueberry, Bramble ...
Selecting, Storing, and Serving Ohio Blueberries, Blackberries, and Raspberries
highlights of summer is enjoying the bounty of luscious Ohio berries. July is the peak month for blackberries ... berry varieties in Ohio, contact your county educator in agriculture and natural resources at Ohio State ... University Extension, or a master gardener volunteer. Selection All Berries The berries should be firm, ...
Growing Berries for Optimum Health Benefits
may be influenced by how the crop is grown and harvested and by the environmental and soil conditions ... a recent issue of the journal of HortScience. Joe Scheerens, OARDC horticulture and crop science ... researcher, said the findings might help growers produce berries with optimum cancer-fighting compounds, both ...
Selenium Uptake in Berries Offers Organic Option in Nutrition
April 9, 2002 COLUMBUS, Ohio- Small fruit crops such as strawberries and black raspberries can ... effectively uptake selenium, increasing concentrations of the nutrient in its leaves and berries and providing ... leaves increased 162 percent and in berries increased 96 percent. By doubling the amount of selenium ...
Media Advisory: Ohio State Experts Available to Speak about Weather Pattern Impacts
Gardener Program Director 937-521-3860 Small Fruit / Berry Crops Brad Bergefurd OSU ... and berries to landscape plants, flowers and pests. Many spring-budding plants and trees have already ... Extension Horticulture Specialist (strawberries, vegetable crops, hops) OSU Extension Scioto County, ...
call him at 740-289-2071, ext. 123. We also have quite a few plots of various berry crops at OSU South ... their farming operations. Information about the Program Leader for Fruit Crops: Welcome to the world of ... fruit production research and extension in Ohio. Dr. Gary Gao is an extension specialist for fruit crops ...
Ohio Raspberries in Short Supply This Season
July 3, 2002 PIKETON, Ohio- Berry lovers who've waited all year for the sweet, juicy goodness ... operations as early in the season as possible. Sandy Kuhn, an Ohio State University berry coordinator with ... production of the crop from southern to central Ohio. The frost damage combined with heavy consumer demand ...
Some Blackberry Varieties Make Bramble Production Easier
June 17, 2008 PIKETON, Ohio-- Blackberries are a popular, high-value fruit crop for Ohio growers ... looking to produce a niche agricultural product. But getting the most out of the crop requires intensive ... produce higher yields with a larger berry size and the berries have better flavor. Prime Jan and Prime Jim ...
Determining Grape Maturity and Fruit Sampling
Viticulture Extension Specialist, Department of Horticulture and Crop Science, Ohio Agricultural Research and ... other hand, if the grapes are left hanging too long on the vine, the berries may shatter, get damaged by ... viticultural characteristics: variety (early vs. mid- vs. late season ripening), crop load (heavy vs. light ...
Leather Rot of Strawberry
Commercial growers in Ohio have lost up to 50 percent of their crop to leather rot. The leather rot fungus ... fruit. Note the light, off-colored area on the fruit. Leather rot can infect berries at any stage of ... berries, diseased areas may be dark brown or natural green outlined by a brown margin. As the rot spreads, ...