
Search results

  1. Kenzie Johnston

    Kenzie Johnston County Extension Educator, CD/ANR (Delaware County) OSU Extension- Delaware ... publications  Videos Forage Files (eFields Report page 170,171) Phosphorus Rate (eFields Report page 84,85 ... office of OSU Extension CD Blog Posts BS in Agricultural Communication, The Ohio State University ...

  2. 4-H Volunteer Orientations

    Training and New Volunteer Orientation.  Each session will be held in the Ext. Mtg. Rm.  Participants must ...

  3. MGV Nametag Webform

    groups that run finances through the county office, this is typically the FD111 (Misc) or FD ... your FD111 fund and deposit the reimbursement from MGV group to offset this expense. If the purchase ... will be made by an individual, please use your FD111 fund and charge the individual sales tax for the ...

  4. Ohio Sales Tax Reporting

    checking account or FD111 (either by check deposit or NelNet). Therefore, the survey defaults to Fund FD ... appropriations, expense reimbursements, soil test kits, etc. The liability will be created in FD111 as a credit to ... Transmittal Form to Dawnn Brown in Columbus) to FD111/RC1186 to have sales tax collected in local checking ...

  5. Devin Peterson's Publications

    fresh and dried lulo (Solanum quitoense Lam.) fruit aroma.  Food Chemistry, 169: 85–91.  Impact Factor. ... Maillard Product Formation in Low Moisture Model Systems. J. Ag. Fd. Chem. 55: 414-420. ... milk powder via epicatechin addition.  J. Ag. Fd. Chem. 54:  502-508. ...

  6. Weather Update

    Rainfall- normal to below normal. 0.25-1.00 inches. Relative Humidity- daily average 70-80% below 80-85 ... % fungus threshold except 80-85% Friday August 11 Week of August 14 outlook: Temperatures- below normal ... 0 to 2F below normal Rainfall- below normal- 0.25-0.75 inches Relative Humidity- daily average 70 ...

  7. Conservation Tillage Club Breakfast

    $70 per day, $95 for both days (early bird by February 21) or $85 per day, $115 both days – RSVP ...

  8. Milk Prices, Costs of Nutrients, Margins and Comparison of Feedstuffs Prices

    nutrient prices, I used the Cow-Jones Index for cows milking 70 lb/day or 85 lb/day at 3.7% fat and 3.1% ... cows milking 70 lb/day and $8.61/cwt for cows milking 85 lb/day. For July, the IONC for our 70 lb/day ... $15.25/cwt in June. The May and June Class III prices actually closed slightly higher at $15.18 and ...

  9. Drones for Spraying Pesticides- Part 2: Opportunities and Challenges

    next refilling. The FAA imposes several operational restrictions on drones, such as: a drone must weigh ... and Japan. Fortunately, the FAA allows pilots to apply for waivers for several of these limitations, ... for conventional aerial application and if FAA rules for operating drones are followed. Future of ...

  10. MGV Years of Service Nametag Webform

    Worktags. For MGV groups that run finances through the county office, this is typically the FD111 (Misc) or ... FD500 (Development) fund. If the purchase will be made by an MGV group that operates under their own ... EIN, please use your FD111 fund and deposit the reimbursement from MGV group to offset this expense. If ...
