
Search results

  1. Accounting Adjustment or Journal Transfer Request?

    funds (FD523, FD111, FD500, etc.) as long as there is money to cover it. Not required to do the transfer ...

  2. Milk Prices, Costs of Nutrients, Margins and Comparison of Feedstuffs Prices

    the Cow-Jones Index with cows milking 70 lb/day or 85 lb/day at 3.7% fat and 3.1% protein. For ... 70 lb/day and $11.94/cwt for a cow milking 85 lb/day. For March, the IONC for our 70 lb/day and 85 ... $16.90/cwt and drop 85¢/cwt in April to $16.05/cwt. Producers should expect February and March mailbox prices ...

  3. Ohio Farm Custom Rates 2012

    $13.70 $17.10 $10.20 Disk-Offset / Acre $15.20 $16.00 $14.75 Soil Finishing / Acre $14.20 $18.30 $10.10 ... $19.40 $13.80 Plant Corn w/ Fertilizer Attachments 30” / Acre $18.70 $22.70 $14.60 Plant Soybeans 15” ... $18.70 $11.60 Grass / Legume / Pasture Seeding Broadcast / Acre $8.10 $10.60 $5.60 Grain Drill / Acre ...

  4. Invest in the Future-- Yours and Theirs

    immediate Charitable Gift Annuity: Age Lifetime Annuity Rate (Single Life) 65 4.7% 70 5.1% 75 5.8% 80 6.8% ... 85 7.8% Learn more about CGAs and get started here. ...

  5. Seminar: Jessica Frasure

    (10): 3876-85. 2. Kalantari AS and VE Cabrera. 2012. The effect of reproductive performance on the dairy ... model. Journal of Dairy Science. 95 (10): 6160-70. ...

  6. Invest in the Future-- Yours and Theirs

    immediate Charitable Gift Annuity: Age Lifetime Annuity Rate (Single Life) 65 4.7% 70 5.1% 75 5.8% 80 6.8% ... 85 7.8% Learn more about CGAs and get started here. ...

  7. Ohio Sea Grant and Stone Lab staff win awards for 2023 Extension efforts ...

  8. A Day in the Woods "Identifying Trees in Winter"

    includes lunch and materials. Registration deadline: Nov. 4. Details: ...

  9. Camp Counselor Applications Open

    For youth, ages 14-18 interested in a camp counselor position at the 2023 4-H Camp, please apply ... at: ...

  10. Statewide Conservation Tillage Conference (CTC)

    includes lunch. RSVP by February 2 5. Registration Link: Cost: $70 per day or $95 for ... both days. After February 2 5 $85 per day or $115 for both days Contact: Mark Badertscher, ...
