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C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2013-13
highly dense and may create mixing problems if added to the sprayer tank without further diluting it. In ...
C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2007-24
Jim Beuerlein Many years of crop rotation research indicates that adding wheat to your corn/soybean ...
C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2006-14
populations of cressleaf groundsel in these fields added much color to the landscape. Some suggestions on weed ...
C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2005-19
in all applications, and a low rate of surfactant (e.g. 0.125% v/v) can be added where the quality of ...
C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2004-11
adding Drift Retardant Adjuvants into your spray mixture. 8. Avoid spraying on extremely hot, dry and ...
Opportunities Archive
order to allow for new files to be added without interruption, the IT Services team will be archiving ...
Global Climate Change: Update 2020
Holocene Maximum. The first, the one at the beginning of the first millennium A.D., and the second, the ...
Fertility Management of Meadows
and increased yields. There are two main problems with adding nitrogen to a mixed stand of grasses and ...
Zoë Plakias
Zoë Plakias Adjunct Assistant Professor PhD, University of California, Davis BA, Western Washington University Agricultural Economics Food System Economics Agricultural and Food Policy Industrial Organization Dr. Zoë Plakias is intereste ...
Garden Articles
quart of water per inch diameter of the tree trunk. Products added to water have not been proven to ... with nutrients added to the water to maximize plant growth. No soil is used in a hydroponic system ...