
Search results

  1. Useful Tables: Adjustments and Conversions on Corn and Soybean Parameters

    15.0 55.67 67.89 27.5 65.27 84.90 15.5 56.00 68.40 28.0 65.72 85.62 16.0 56.33 68.94 28.5 66.18 86.32 ... 18.0 57.71 71.31 31.0 68.58 89.94 18.5 58.06 71.95 32.0 69.59 91.43 19.0 58.42 72.60 33.0 70.63 92.85 ... 19.5 58.78 73.27 34.0 71.70 94.28 20.0 59.15 73.96 35.0 72.80 95.71 20.5 59.52 74.60 36.0 73.94 97 ...

  2. OSU Deoxynivalenol, DON, Resistance Screening Program-2024

    2.45* 2.36* 0.88* 3.33 Golden Harvest G99E68-D 99 1.38* 0.77* 0.76* 2.3* Golden Harvest G00A97-AA 100 ... 0.32* 1.8* Seed Genetics Direct Direct 3109 109 1.97* 0.23* 0.33* 4.53 Seed Genetics Direct Direct ... 1.49* 1.18* 0.4* 2.35* Golden Harvest G08B38-AA 108 0.96* 1.01* 0.86* 0.95* Golden Harvest G10L16-DV 110 ...

  3. Farm Science Review Media Passes

    70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 Total ... needed 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 ... number of three-day admission tickets needed 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 ...

  4. Feed and Nutrient Pricing

    247.56 Tallow 330 322.64 293.57 351.70 Wheat Bran 72 83.72 69.71 97.73 Wheat Middlings 65 95.25 83.03 ... extracted 160 129.90 118.16 141.63 Citrus Pulp, dried 153 109.67 101.95 117.39 Corn Grain, ground dry 97 ... 212.42 196.62 228.21 Molasses, sugarcane 152 91.12 83.74 98.51 Soybean Hulls 101 77.33 57.06 97 ...

  5. Considering Corn Silage Cost of Production

    34 26 33   Yield, ton/acre 20.2 22.3 18.8 20.5 Value, $/ton $41.10 $35.97 $39.27 $38.78 Crop ... farms and years. For example, in 2019 the 33 Ohio Farm Business Analysis corn silage enterprises ... reported an average yield of 18.8 ton/acre, but yields ranged from 10 to 25 ton/acre. Yields directly ...

  6. Ohio Farm Custom Rates 2014

    Aerial Application Fertilizer / Acre 11.60 3.14 $8.45 $14.75 11.00 7.50 18.00 Seed / Acre 11.30 2.33 ... Plant Soybeans 15" Rows / Acre 19.05 5.09 $13.95 $24.15 18.50 10.00 32.00 Plant Soybeans 30" ... $22.85 $33.40 27.50 16.00 45.00 Combine Small Grains / Acre 27.70 5.23 $22.45 $32.95 26.50 16.00 45.00 ...

  7. Harvesting

    16.87 16.38 15.88 29.0 18.89 18.42 17.94 17.46 16.97 16.48 29.5 19.47 19.00 18.52 18.04 17.56 17.07 30.0 ... 70.13 15.5 56 70.7 16 56.33 71.28 16.5 56.67 71.87 17 57.01 72.47 17.5 57.36 73.09 18 57.71 73.71 18 ... 1.66 1.09 0 0 15.5 3.37 2.81 2.24 1.67 1.09 0 16.0 3.95 3.39 2.83 2.25 1.68 1.09 16.5 4.52 3.97 3.41 ...

  8. ARS pH and Water Activity Guide

    coli 0.95 0.995- Listeria monocytogenes 0.92-- Clostridium perfringens 0.97 0.95 to 0.96 0.93 Taken ... pH: Pathogen Minimum Growth Optimal Growth Maximum Growth Salmonella spp. 3.8 7.0 to 7.5 9.5 ... Clostridium perfringens 5.5 to 5.8 7.2 8.0 to 9.0 Taken from References (Growth Factors) in the Pathogen ...

  9. Effect of Major Variables on Drift Distances of Spray Droplets

    11.92* 11.44 50 2 15.73* 14.97* 13.51* 12.60* 50 4 29.55* 26.39* 22.00* 18.82* 50 6 43.28* 37.87* 30.19* ... 75 5.0 33.83 25.82 22.19 20.03 18.31 75 7.5 49.58 38.64 33.03 29.74 27.17 75 10.0 65.28 52.26 44.00 ... Wind velocity (mph) 20 40 60 80 20 2 3.03* 3.72* 6.41* 15.29* 20 4 6.00* 6.47* 10.24* 21.45* 20 6 6.57* 7.66* ...

  10. 2018 OSU Weed Science Field Research Results

    4 18OSUFALLSOY2 Late Fall Burndown Programs 5 18ERICARES Dicamba Residual Tank-mix Study: EPP VS. At Plant ... Conventional Tillage Soybeans 15 18PRPOST2 Syngenta Vs. Competitors Control of Giant Ragweed in RR2 Xtend ... 18ENGENIAPRPOST1 Programs with Engenia and Engenia PRO 18 18ENGENAIPRPOST2 Engenia / Engenia PRO Vs. Competitor ...
