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provides a broad range of technical and business services and has considerable experience conducting ... vast networking resources of OSU and alliance members to build collaborations for product testing, ... marketplace validation and commercial applications. The Center for Innovation-Based Enterprise (CIBE), based ...
TWEL Bryce T. Adams Dissertation
new, innovative ways to characterize these data offer great potential for improved quantification and ... growth stage, and tree composition, to provide a range of habitat conditions for birds and other ... monitoring of ecological systems. My overall research seeks to integrate new methodologies for ...
Oral Research Communication
ANIMSCI 7899 Critical analysis of the scientific literature and demonstration of effective oral ... presentation skills tailored to the target audience, with use of information technologies as needed. Prereq: ... Grad standing. Not open to students with credit for FdScTe 7899 or HumnNtr 7899 (895). Cross-listed in ...
ACEL, AEDE Faculty Assess, Evaluate Navajo Nation’s Water Security
communications technology (ICT) to address those needs. These dynamic women provided support to her previous ... The Navajo Nation’s water crisis and food security issues in arid regions of Arizona, New Mexico ... and Utah has become more critical in times of COVID-19. OSU’s Global Water Institute (GWI), in ...
a broad range of disciplines. Agricultural Communication, Education, and Leadership The Department of ... advancing animal sciences for the betterment of animals and humans through research, teaching, and outreach ... endeavors. The department is the leading provider of animal science education and outreach in the state of ...
Graduate Exit Seminar- Noel Schmitz
individual variation in Smallmouth Bass foraging, which is potentially advantageous for acclimating to ... their broad tolerance ranges. Yet, goby behaviors were significantly influenced by preceding bass ... ambient temperature. However, hypoxia requires fish to compensate for low oxygen availability, for ...
Attitudes toward animals focus of recent Washington Post article
, “Americans love animals more than they used to – even the ‘scary’ ones.” The news article reports on study ... amongst Americans toward animals across two time periods. The published scientific article is co-authored ... The Washington Post features Ohio State research on attitudes toward animals in the article ...
EPN PRESENTS: Earth and People – Lessons in Living Together
scientist for The Nature Conservancy. His scientific work has been published in journals including Science, ... documentaries for Discovery Channel, PBS, and the BBC and serving as a frequent contributor to CBS News. He was ... Sanjayan is a leading global conservation scientist, writer and an Emmy-nominated news contributor focused ...
To each their own: case studies of four successful, small-scale organic vegetable farmers with distinct weed management strategies
Crop rotation design takes into account the weed seedbank, where for weed sensitive crops he increases ... Article Summary by William Osterholz, Ohio State University Summary of case studies presented in ... Food Systems. Four small-scale organic vegetable farms in New England with different weed management ...
BroadbandOhio awards Ohio State $125,000 for agricultural connectivity project
highlighting the potential for this We know broadband access is important to all industries, and this ... expand broadband would make it possible for small farms and rural businesses to start using a range of ... new, agriculture-related technologies—helpful innovations in the areas of data management, precision ...