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  1. Ohio State ATI Launches New Greenhouse Program

    who collaborated with Ohio State ATI to found the new program, a critical need for qualified industry ... approved a new greenhouse engineering technology specialization in its greenhouse and nursery management ... and is the only two-year program in the U.S. for greenhouse engineering technology. Ohio State ATI, ...

  2. Research

    technologies to help determine vineyard sites and potential new AVAs. Optimum Crop Load Improves Wine Quality ... grape and wine industry and more broadly the citizen of Ohio and beyond New Winegrape Varieties in Ohio ... "About Us" tab.  Also, for specifics about projects funded by Ohio Grape Industries Program, please ...

  3. FABE Joins Partnership to Develop Agribot Design Challenge

    teach critical scientific concepts associated with agriculture and engineering, engage students and ... launched a Youth Pathways initiative in 2018, focused on introducing students to and training them for ... are invited to submit proposals for innovative projects that would help to address the need to attract ...

  4. Core Competencies

    identifies new areas for growth; takes the time to learn and apply newly gained knowledge and skills on the ... requirements of current work assignment. Actively identifies new areas for learning and sets goals. Seeks out ... in practicing new approaches and behaviors. Customer service Works constantly to provide superior ...

  5. Core Competencies

    identifies new areas for growth; takes the time to learn and apply newly gained knowledge and skills on the ... requirements of current work assignment. Actively identifies new areas for learning and sets goals. Seeks out ... in practicing new approaches and behaviors. Customer service Works constantly to provide superior ...

  6. OCAMM odds & ends

    Click on 'OCAMM odds & ends' for the latest news. From Ohio Ag Net: Manure ... Clips: Trials show hope for handling manure | Washington has funded five projects with potential to ... reminders for getting the most from your manure and protecting the environment.  |  Article Considering ...

  7. Davlin Appointed Manager of OARDC’s Western Ag Research Station

    their staff. We have a broad range of research projects that go on at Western, and it is very interesting to ... OARDC director for research operations. “The research activity at Western has grown significantly in recent ... provides leadership to the station in the coming years.” Davlin grew up on a farm in Sandusky, Ohio, ...

  8. OCAMM odds & ends

    Click on 'OCAMM odds & ends' for the latest news. UPCOMING EVENTS: LEPLC webinar: ... availability and application rate.  |  Article Wanted: Feedback for improve manure treatment | Dairy and swine ... scalable, it could be a method for collecting and managing waste.  |  Article   manure manure application ...

  9. Professor participates in global gathering

    Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) and the Robert Bosch Stiftung Foundation, is a new global forum ... for science in Africa to propel Africa onto the global scientific stage and and according to its ... Foundation. Coverage of the event is featured in news publications such as The New York Times and The ...

  10. Climate Adaptation and Policy-Induced Inflation of Coastal Property Value

    density in the coastal zone and potential impacts of climate change underscore a growing conflict between ... accelerate coastal erosion, while growing demand for coastal real estate encourages more spending to hold ... back the sea in spite of the shrinking federal budget for beach nourishment. As climatic drivers and ...
