
Search results

  1. Second quarter deadline for Lifestyle Spending Account

    Employees have until July 15 to submit a claim for eligible expenses incurred April 1 – June 30. Unused LSA funds do not carry over. ...

  2. Wooster Administration entrance renovations

    Starting Tuesday, June 20 th  the main entrance to the Wooster Administration Building will be taped off for renovations. ...

  3. CFAES Cafe Holiday Hours

    CFAES Cafe next week hours Monday July 3 rd   Closed Tuesday July 4 th  Closed Wednesday July 5 th  8am-1pm Thursday July 6 th  8am-1pm Friday July 7 th   8am-1pm Saturday July 8 th  10am-2pm (Open House Bug Zoo) ...

  4. HR Updates and Reminders

    Here are pertinent HR updates and reminders. Should you have any questions, feel free to reach out to your respective  HR Consultant  or  HR Connection. ...

  5. Program Excel list available

    Program Excel posted a list of new students and current students who are identified for Program Excel in a OneDrive folder named Program Excel List for Campus. ...

  6. Invitation to Apply for Staff Leadership Series

    The Women’s Place is accepting applications for the 2023-24 Staff Leadership Series (SLS), a 12-month, experiential leadership initiative. ...

  7. FY2024 Internal Grants Program Request for Proposals

     The CFAES Office for Research & Graduate Education is pleased to announce the FY2024 Internal Grants Program Request for Proposals. ...

  8. USDA Unveils New Tool to Track Federally Funded Investments

    USDA has released  two new data dashboards  that allow users the unprecedented ability to access high-level data about NIFA’s agricultural research funding investments and track the status of their grant applications.  ...

  9. ATI Library Closed on July 26

      The ATI Library will be closed on July 26 due to an OSU Regional Libraries meeting in Mansfield.  ...

  10. Campus Change appointments

    Advisors- please remind students to meet with the Campus Change/Transition Counselor if they are wondering about or planning a future change to the Columbus. ...
