
Search results

  1. Cooking Matters

    Yogurt Dip [XLS] South Western Black-eyed Pea and Corn Salad [XLS] Black Bean and Vegetable Quesadillas ...

  2. Coyotes, Coffee, and Carnivores: Finding human-animal coexistence in a crowded world

    Foundation and around the country. He is regarded as an international expert of urban wildlife and his ...

  3. Breakfast with the Birds: Advocacy and Conservation in Urban Green Spaces

    Matthew Shumar  and other environmental experts will address the on-site research activities at the ...

  4. Food Safety Graduate Courses

    Presentations from OSU faculty and invited external experts from industry, academia and government. The course ...

  5. Breakout 4

    leader, was applied to this project. This approach is good news for all of us who are thrown into ...

  6. Lake Atitlán: One Lake Two Tales

    By: Gary Closs, Jr. Lake Atitlán, Guatemala is equal parts beautiful and dangerous. Beyond the captivating beauty of the volcanic lake lie stories that few get to tell.  We, OSU graduate students and Asst. Professor/ CFI director Barbara Kowalcyk, were ...

  7. Rivers and Parks + Imagination + Design: How to utilize Ohio's rivers to stimulate and enhance community and economic development

    8:25 a.m. Expert dialogue on the Rivers and Parks + Imagination + Design concept and its five greenway ...

  8. Soil for Food! Data, technologies, and collaborations that build healthy soils and enhance human nutrition

    learn more about Christina's work, visit 6:10 p.m. A series of content expert ...

  9. EPN Signature Earth Day Event- Monday, April 22, 2024: Eat This Earth Day! Ohio's Native Plants for Food

    Event headliners include native plant and garden experts: Nancy Linz (president, Ohio Native Plant ...

  10. Let Happiness Bloom

