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  1. Protect Public Health

    "Is it safe to drink? Swim? Fish? Water my plants?" But since harmful algal blooms (HABs) are so ... drinking water. Lead: Xiaozhen Mou, Kent State University. Read more... “Radar” for harmful algal blooms ... communities and water managers to prepare for harmful algal blooms that could affect drinking water near ...

  2. Transport and Fate of Cyanotoxins in Drinking Water Distribution Systems

    toxins from harmful algal blooms stick to water infrastructure like pipes and storage tanks—and therefore ... the commercial software used in water treatment plants that calculates whether water is safe to drink ... Safe drinking water for community residents and peace of mind for water managers who want to ensure the ...

  3. Ohio Board of Regents Projects

    guidance on how water treatment plants can most effectively remove harmful algal toxins from drinking ... communities and water managers to prepare for harmful algal blooms that could affect drinking water near ... algal blooms that could affect drinking water near Sandusky Bay. Lead: George Bullerjahn, Bowling Green ...

  4. Home

    Ensuring safe drinking water while keeping farms productive and profitable Ohio State researchers ... can drink the water, the lake can sustain recreation and fishing, and the ecosystem can endure short- ... a better, more integrated picture of what’s happening when lakes or reservoirs develop harmful algal blooms ...

  5. EPN Breakfast- The Lake Erie Impairment Designation- Columbus, Ohio

    Program and Stone Laboratory), to discuss efforts to monitor harmful algal blooms, keep drinking water ... harmful algal blooms on Lake Erie, Chesapeake Bay, Grand Lake St. Marys, Sandusky Bay and within the City ... For the first time in our state’s history the open waters of western Lake Erie have been deemed ...

  6. Educate and Engage

    more... Smarter charcoal use: guidance for water treatment plants during algal bloom season Research in ... treatment plants can most effectively remove harmful algal toxins from drinking water. Lead: John Lenhart, ... and mitigating harmful algal blooms (HABs). Projects Field to Faucet Funded Projects New field sensors ...

  7. Clean Water for Ohio: New Partners, Projects, Funding are Growing Field to Faucet

    projects, training and education efforts, all designed to ensure safe drinking water while maintaining an ... sources to maintain safe drinking water for cities like Toledo,” he said. “We’re also looking to expand ... drink, and the fish are safe to eat, and the water is safe for swimming.” Jay Martin 614-247-6133 ...

  8. Experts to Review State of the Science for Harmful Algal Blooms

    for students. Harmful algal blooms are caused by a combination of warm water temperatures and high ... Presenters will focus on how to prevent and predict harmful algal blooms and how to remove their toxins from ... Suzanne Steel TOLEDO, Ohio – Fourteen leaders in the fight against harmful algal blooms will ...

  9. HAB Detection, Mapping, and Warning Network: Maumee Bay Area

    drinking water. Harmful algal blooms often produce toxins that need to be filtered out of the water before ... it easier for communities and water managers to prepare for harmful algal blooms that could affect ... it can be safe to drink. Currently, water treatment plants such as in Toledo, Ohio only detect these ...

  10. HAB Detection, Mapping, and Warning Network: Sandusky Bay

    could affect drinking water. Harmful algal blooms often produce toxins that need to be filtered out of ... University will make it easier for communities and water managers to prepare for harmful algal blooms that ... the water before it can be safe to drink. Currently, water treatment plants such as in Toledo, Ohio ...
