Search results
Search Commences for Permanent Associate Dean and Director of OSU Extension
As announced by CFAES in August 2023, a national search has commenced for the next associate dean and director of OSU Extension. ...
Minding the Brand Initiative Announced
Thank you all for the time and attention you put into creating promotional pieces for the programs you lead, the research you conduct, and the publications you create. There is no doubt that creating these items – large and small – takes a significant amo ...
Assistant Director, Agriculture and Natural Resources Finalists Announced
Three candidates have accepted the invitation to participate as finalists in on-campus interviews for the assistant director, Agriculture and Natural Resources position. ...
ATI Learning Gardens Planting Party
Thanks to everyone who joined Caroline Georskey in the ATI Learning Gardens to plant flowers. ...
Extension Management Structure Task Force Update
The OSU Extension Management Structure Task Force continues to meet and examine the management structure to determine optimal ways to lead and support county operations and the system. ...
Extension Leadership Update
I want to echo Dean Kress’s gratitude to everyone who contributed to the recent search for the next associate dean and director of OSU Extension and chair of the Department of Extension. ...
Extension Management Structure Task Force Update
The OSU Extension Management Structure Task Force continues to meet, considering the following guiding question: What would a management structure look like that best supports county operations? ...
State Tour Recap with President Carter
A few weeks ago, President Walter “Ted” Carter Jr., First Lady Lynda Carter, Dean Kress, and their team embarked on the State Tour, a tradition allowing university presidents to explore different parts of the state. This year, the Office of the President ...
Unique County Visits Around the State Continue this Summer
We are just about to wrap up the month of August, and I know it’s been a busy summer for everyone. As always, thank you to everyone for your dedication to the mission of Extension and conducting our work through a tremendous variety of activities over the ...
Director’s Video Update – Sept. 30
There will be a director’s video update on Sept. 30 (9 a.m.). Join David Civittolo and some of your Extension colleagues for an update on numerous Extension-related items and happenings via a Zoom meeting. ...