
Search results

  1. Corn, Soybean, and Alfalfa Yield Responses to Micronutrient Fertilization in Ohio

    in organic matter Alfalfa and clover Copper (Cu) Acidic peat or muck with pH < 5.3 and black sand ... Micronutrient Blend 1 19 23 (3) 5.3 0.9 4.3 Source: Vitosh, M.L., J.W. Johnson, and D.B. Mengel. 1995. Tri-State ... 12.2 1981 a Wayne Alfalfa B, Cu, Mn, Mo, Zn Soil 3.6 3.8 5.3 1981 a Wayne Alfalfa Cu Soil 3.59 3.31-7.8 ...

  2. Keep the sugar for your coffee and your cookies

    79.4 53.8 Sugar 81.2 53.9 Fungicide 80.6 55.2 Lsd 0.10 NSD NSD   In a previous newsletter article ...

  3. Student Life

    faces. Contact Kelly Kyser.53 with any questions.   Student Life will be providing transportation to ... using the new student life space, contact Kelly Kyser.53, Wooster CFAES Director of Student Life.   ...

  4. Starter Fertilizer

    + TSP 61.8 A   DAP 62.1 A NWARS, 2014 None 54.0 A   Urea 53.9 A   TSP 53.8 A   Urea + TSP 53.8 A   DAP ... 53.9 A   Effect of Planting Date on Soybean Grain Yield. Soybean grain yield was influenced by planting ...

  5. Local Impacts and Successes

    food resource management (77%), and food safety (53%) resulting graduates running out of food less ...

  6. 2010 Forage Performance Trials

    Tall fescue varieties ranged in 2010 yield from 4.7 to 5.3 tons per acre. Red and white clover trials ...

  7. Trade Preferences of Organized Interest Groups and Interstate Conflicts

    groups are key when it comes to using trade to dampen conflicts. (JEL Codes: F13, F14, F51, F52, F53 ...

  8. Careers

    Statistics (Agricultural and Food Scientists) 53,500 qualified graduates will be available for about 54,400 jobs annually ...

  9. Cryptosporidium (protozoan)

    Std 55 Class A), NSF Std 53 one micron filters, or slow sand filter. WATER RESOURCES USEPA- Water: ...

  10. 2020 Committee

    SNAP-Ed Fulton Amanda Woods Program Specialist State ...
