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Mandatory Volunteer Training Opportunity
Mandatory Volunteer Training Opportunity
Mandatory Volunteer Training Opportunity
Mandatory Volunteer Training Opportunity
Summer Opportunities for Youth
Engaging with Insects – Summer Day Camp is back! Young entomologists interested in learning about the little creatures that really rule the world are invited for a week of hands-on experiences with experts from OSU’s Triplehorn Insect Collection and the D ...
Alternative Farming Opportunities Focus of Field Day
September 17, 2001 AUGUSTA, Ohio- Dogs, which have long been used to guard and herd livestock, are taking a back seat to a rather unusual, exotic animal. The llama, a member of the camel family and generally used as a beast of burden, is finding its place ...
Bienergy Economic Opportunities Focus of OSU Field Night
August 4, 2009 PIKETON, Ohio – Bioenergy and its potential to further southern Ohio economic development will be the focus of an Ohio State University South Centers at Piketon field night on August 20. Crop, Soil and Water Field Night will take place from ...
New Opportunities for Tomato Growers With Grafting
May 13, 2010 WOOSTER, Ohio – Open field and high tunnel tomato producers yearning for high-quality crop performance with marketable fruit neatly wrapped in one plant may find what they are looking for through grafting. Ohio State University researchers ...
Armageddon or Not, Now's an Opportune Time to Prepare for Emergency
December 13, 2012 COLUMBUS, Ohio-- If doomsday-- or, alternatively, winter-- is approaching, you'd better be prepared. Whether you believe Dec. 21, 2012, marks the end of the world as predicted by the expiration of an ancient Mayan calendar or merely ...
The USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture's Competitive Funding Opportunities for Plant Pathologists
Dr. Ann Lichens-Park, National Program Leader USDA-NIFA, Washington, DC Tuesday, Nov. 8 2:30 – 3:30 PM Fisher 121 (Wooster) video-linked to Kottman Hall 244 (Columbus) All interested are welcome to attend. ...