
Search results

  1. Transforming the utility of camera traps for conservation research

    Many people are aware that camera traps have transformed wildlife research for Whitetail Deer and ... other large mammals. But what about ectotherms and the vast number of smaller species that aren't ...

  2. Entrepreneurial Networks

    of potential large and small public and private collaborators. Even within one organization, there ... Awareness of people and organization with influence in your city. Knowledge of social competencies and ...

  3. Crucial Conversations Training set for August and September

    largely determined by how quickly, directly, and effectively we speak up when it matters most. At the ... heart of healthy and high-performance organizations are people willing and able to hold Crucial ...

  4. New network started for environmental professionals

    network for people whose work helps keep the planet green. The  Environmental Professionals Network, ...  which launched in August, "is for a broad range of people who are professionally engaged in ... managing, protecting, and using our environment and natural resources-- people who really should be ...

  5. Aluminum

    harmful, but exposure to high levels can affect your health. Workers exposed to large amounts of aluminum ... dust can have lung problems. Some people with kidney disease store a lot of aluminum in their bodies ... show that people exposed to high levels of aluminum may develop Alzheimer's disease, but other ...

  6. First Friday Tours: Ohio State Aquaculture Research Program

    The OSU South Centers also are part of the college. “We were constantly getting calls from people ... interested in aquaculture but who had never been to a fish farm,” Tiu said. “We worked with people ... individually to set up tours, but the volume of calls from interested people continued to grow, so we came up ...

  7. Why Americans Waste So Much Food

    Martha Filipic Most people feel guilty about discarding food, but say it would be hard to stop ... them are aware that food waste is a problem. Even more, researchers have identified that most people ... today in PLOS ONE is just the second peer-reviewed large-scale consumer survey about food waste and is ...

  8. 2021 CFAES Distinguished Senior Award Press Releases

    Agricultural Communication Attica, OH Jason Hollick   Department of Horticulture and Crop Science Sustainable ...

  9. Chow Line: Nearly one in 100 need to avoid gluten (for 6/12/11)

    why don’t people want it? Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley and rye. It’s also in spelt, ... though. It’s a very large molecule formed by a long chain of amino acids, and it’s what provides ... elasticity to bread dough. So, obviously, a lot of people actually do want it. But some people-- estimates ...

  10. Chicken Breed Selection

    Resources, Hocking County  There are various reasons people raise chickens: for eggs, meat, show and ... towards people.  Egg and Meat Production Some chicken breeds are referred to as dual-purpose breeds that ... will lay an adequate amount of eggs and grow large enough for meat production. The downside, though, is ...
