
Search results

  1. Breakthrough Creativity Workshop

    when you envision someone who is creative? Perhaps an artist or inventor? Sure, these people are ...

  2. Real Colors Facilitator Training

    people sign up, the price will get reduced to $599 per person and you will receive a $26 credit following ...

  3. Communiqué November 6, 2013

    Surround Yourself with Positive People Ever worked with a grouch? Nothing is right. They don’t like people ... charge. Have you spent time around people who just drift through life? They don’t set goals, expect others ... to pick up the slack, just don’t care. Avoid them! Find people who will challenge you, believe in you ...

  4. Communiqué August 16, 2012

    build trust – fast. People know you’re being genuine and authentic. You’re not shying away from the ... tough stuff. You’re directly addressing the difficult issues that are in people’s minds and hearts and ... Whenever you fail to deal with the real issues for any reason, people tend to see you in one of two ways: ...

  5. Dr. Doug Karcher

    early 2000’s to 2015 with Dr. Sorochan & several great people from Hamburg, Germany. EITS focused on ... Potentially onboarding 5 new faculty members in 2022! This will bring us new energy & new people to help ...

  6. Communiqué June 10, 2015

    – June 17 The Spectrum Temperament Development Model is a fun and exciting method for helping people ... differences among the people around them. Beth Flynn is facilitating this workshop from 9am to noon, Ag Admin ... a leader? A quick test is to observe the way people react to you when you walk into a room. Are people happy ...

  7. Memories and Milestones of OSU Extension

    all the people who worked or were touched by Extension programs. In-depth contributions were made by ...

  8. Applying Your Strengths @ Work

    your organization. The Gallup organization has found through its research that: People who know their ...

  9. Equine Pasture Management Workshop

    (which covers two people) and includes dinner, a resource binder, grazing stick and a forage book. The ...

  10. Equine Pasture Management Workshop

    (which covers two people) and includes dinner, a resource binder, grazing stick and a forage book. The ...
