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shatter ditches

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  1. Manure Spill Prevention

    equipment to block a ditch or stream?  Who has equipment to pump manure out of a stream or ditch?  Who has ...

  2. Fertilizer applied years ago still affects Lake Erie

    harmful algal blooms plaguing the lake. “Phosphorus was already in fields, ditches, rivers, and ... drainage ditches to slow water flow and allow the phosphorus to settle. If trying some of these approaches ...

  3. Winter Application of Manure in Ohio

    of the field with the lowest risk of nutrient transport such as areas furthest from streams, ditches ... grassed waterways, surface drainage ditches, streams, surface inlets, water bodies and 300 feet minimum ...

  4. The Dicamba Situation – Assessment and Some Action Items

    also observed it on a larger scale, where a field next to a drainage ditch that drained several miles ... of cropland was flooded from that ditch and then developed dicamba injury.  In the latter case one ... runoff water to the ditch.  It may be a wetter than average year in northwest Ohio, but the nature of the ...

  5. A Landowner’s Guide to Understanding Recommended Pipeline Standards and Construction Specifications

    drainage areas that can be identified, open ditches, diversions, terraces, buried utility lines, water ... protect topsoil, the double ditching method of soil removal for pipeline construction is recommended. All ... locations where is crosses surface drains, diversions, grassed waterways, open ditches and streams. On lands ...

  6. Self-Forming Channels

    be similar to that of a two-stage ditch. ...

  7. Sugar Creek (Allen County)

    the two-stage ditch design concept the Ottawa River Coalition organized project partners to implement ...

  8. New Website Addresses Agriculture Best Management Practice Placement and Use

    operators use visual clues in the landscape or management records to identify fields or stream/ditches where ...

  9. Applying Manure to Newly Planted Crops

    setbacks from ditches and streams.             Manure Management ...

  10. Roadway and Equipment Law

    Roads, Section 5571.14 Obstruction of Highway Ditches and Drainage, Section 5589.06 Offenses Relating to ...
