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shatter ditches

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  1. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2008-06

    adjacent to it. When adjacent, it can be separated at most by a ditch or a road, but not by another field. ...

  2. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2004-18

    pastures, ditch banks and lawns. For control of armyworm in turf see the following resource: ...

  3. Best Management Practices for Boom Spraying

    ditches, ponds, or lakes should be filtered before filling the tank. Take necessary precautions to ensure ...

  4. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2007-35

    sensitive areas, for example, ditches, grassed waterway, surface drains, property boundaries, drinking water ...

  5. Ohio’s drainage laws get major update

    Blog Subscriptions ...

  6. Resolving the drainage problems that surface with Spring rains

    Blog Subscriptions ...

  7. Restored Wetlands (NRCS 657)

    The return of a wetland and its functions to a close approximation of its original condition as it existed prior to disturbance on a former or degraded wetland site.             This practice applies only to natural wetland sites with hydric soils. This p ...

  8. Garden Articles

    WHY ARE MY WATERMELONS AND CUCUMBERS WILTING? In the last two weeks my watermelons and cucumbers have declined in health.  Just a few leaves started wilting.  As time progressed more leaves wilted and the plant was obviously declining.  Eventually the pla ...

  9. Agronomy

    landscapes, road ditches, unplanted fields, wheat, hay, and pasture fields.  The scientific name is Packera ...
